Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Thank You to the Lame Cherry Few

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to thank those who showed support in the post of mom's medical condition as your kindness has been noted and brought before God. I am moved to feature part of the private letter from David, even though he does not like the spotlight, because he is such a dear man and Christian who has been carried through like most of us by Christ. It family like David I am protective of, as it I get upset about reach people slumming  here knowing what David is going through and all the good he still brings to the world.

I also  wanted to assure him, that TL and I did discuss diuretics, but in my previous experience with her broken hip and the therapy we were involved in, and the blessing that this leg is seeping, it means the fluid is coming out more quickly and putting less stress in processing it out of her kidneys.
We do  see improvement. Mom lost about 2 pounds of that blood serum fluid since midnight last night. She is not urinating as as much, which means the body fluids which have to be drained are not as prevalent.  In the bruising and serum her skin is mottled, meaning it is draining.

The potassium is most important in this as David mentions, as our neighbor got low potassium  levels  and  his heart quit beating like they shut the light off in his situation and he died. With this seepage in a sort of natural remedy, the fluids are coming out in a way that are not too  fast. I made certain that  she was not congesting in fluid around her heart, so this was hips and lower where the fluid was being stored. TL said it was noticeable the "saddles"  mom had on  her right hip was gone. That means by God's Grace and good prayers that we are ahead  of the fluid retention and hopefully we will have this phase handled.
She is a pile of bones and always has been. How she had children over 9 pounds each has always been a mystery, but now she is "fleshy" with that water build up, but we are getting Ensure into her, and keeping vitamins and minerals replaced. As I stated, she is receiving better care with us than in any medical facility as they do not have the time for patients. She almost died last Saturday and I estimate she is about 85% back to where she was physically. We just need the fluid out of her feet as rolling backwards is where she falls down. She knows this, and is now trained to only move with me supporting her from behind. I hope to progress to a walking from room to room, but she is very good about exercises in bed from her past therapy as she was doing them today without me. That is what is causing the fluid to vacate her body. I just would have  liked that demonic and evil influence which got her into this position had not taken hold to get her into this position, but that is the reality of having people hate me for being  with TL and the hateful people who lurk around on this blog, along with those rich people who protect their portfolios when the few people like David actually show up and be real Christians.

I apologize to David for featuring his letter, but he represents the best of people who care and I will not forget them and God certainly will never forget them for good.

I am sorry I have not donated in a while. I honestly and truly was thinking it is time again and was planning on doing so prior to end of year, right after I got through a big pile of insurance and tax payments of all kinds always seem to be due during Nov/Dec time period. After seeing the photos of your mom's leg, I should tell you, when my heart valve first snapped and I swelled up, my legs along with other areas looked similar to that and one of the things they immediately started me on was diuretics, a prescription kind, and it was called Furosemide 20 mg, 1x per day, and there was a horse size pill of Potassium Chloride Micro 10 MEQ that was taken along with it. After the operation, which was a good year later, I was again all swollen and I know they were giving me the same two pills many times per day. 

. I am not a doctor, nurse or other medical professional who can advise you on any of this and am not giving you medical advice. I am just telling you what happened to me and what they gave me that drained fluids and did bring down the swelling and keep it more under control. About health insurance and hospitals,

. Like I said, I had, in the back of my mind, NOT forgotten about doing a donation but lots, lots, lots of things - bills, unexpected expenses, fixed small income, negative cashflow on the yearly basis, more immediate donations to local problems, like the local mission that feeds the homeless and runs a homeless shelter, car repairs, etc., you name it - I wasn't prioritizing one over the other.

I  thank each of you for caring. God  bless  you in every way and make your lives easier and better, in Jesus Name, Amen and Amen.
