Monday, November 5, 2018

An Honest Product Review

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a genuine product review. Perhaps if corporations laid out the 6 figure donations I would like like the rest of the world and tell you how great things are, but with me being poor, you get a genuine assessment.

Today's topic is Toro lawnmowers.

I am the first to say I never mow lawn.  I see no purpose in it as it is a waste of time in life as grass gets so big and falls down by Newton gravity. I have better things to do, which I can not do as I am stuck begging for lucre here on the blog in posting necessary information.

So the uncle invited me over to mow the lawn as his gimp knee is not up to it. Good thing my gimp knee was on the other leg, as I dragged a dead fawn off the road some asshole hit, as I felt bad in no one took care of the baby. So I dragged it into the ditch, fell into a hole there the size of the  Grand Canyon, was not hurt, but in popping out, I really got the incline and it was there I rammed my knee into the rocks and that is how I got the bone bruise.

Anyway, the first thing I noted about the Toro is America I thought elected a President to make things easier on industry, as this lawnmower is from a sue happy crazy America.

It has an electric start, and electric lights.....why lights as how mows in the wet dark, but then comes the following.


There is a gear shift of Reverse, Neutral, Forward on the left.

Electric start on right console.

Right foot runs this pedal thing that the further you push it in, it goes faster.

On the right side is the mower level and engage. It will mow to China in the dirt, and the engage is beside it.

The seat, it is an automatic shut off if you raise your ass off it.

There was something that I did not quite get as when I shifted the thing it shut off too. I don't know what was wrong or right with it, but after that I just spun around in circles to turn the corners.

As uncle said, that thing will move as fast as you can run. It does fly.

Ok the thing I noticed most is this thing is rough as a cob in riding it. Like riding a horse  on a trot. It made my back joints hurt. That pedal push is annoying in I mowed for like an hour and a half going like a bat out of hell, and it does fatigue your knee.

The steering wheel had some catch under it that kept hurting my hand. I am not a lefty, but for some reason I kept having to drive this thing with my left hand and by the end of riding the Toro Twister out of Chute #3, my wrist hurt too.

The thing is loud, like deaf in the future loud. It has like a 17 horsepower flame thrower in it.  Uncle said in wet stuff it still pulls the engine down, but I am from an era of 8 horsepower mowers that went through the swamp and did ok. What the hell you need with 17 hp is beyond me.

It is fast though and I am glad that I did not hook the platform wheel on a guide wire or a garage which would have forever been remembered by Uncle.

I was quite pleased though as to how fast I took to this rough runner, as it was not long before I was flying on it, and automatically leaving off the pedal to make turns and then pouring it to the coals again.

Uncle said I did a better jobs and I was faster. I said that it did not take that much smarts to run a lawnmower, but was pleased he was not pissed at me as Cherry memories are long term in dumb ass matters.

I don't know why his kids did not mow the grass when they were here. Not like it is pushing a mower, but it worked out.

Oh finally, his shed has a 2 inch concrete hump on it, that I bounced problems with the Toro on that as she sits heavy and has good traction.

I had it on the #4 setting I think to mow, and that is like pulling grass roots out. I hit some rocks with it too which were low in the ground. Odd part is I ran over some apples I was told to chop up and it did not touch them.

For the review of this Toro,

the Pros are:

It goes fast.

It rides rough as a cob.

It is too many gadgets.

Geezer with sore joints can't run it.

It seems like if you mowed a great deal it would fall apart.

Seat sucks.

Steering wheel sucks.

Platform wheel sticks out too far.

I am thinking, well it does not cost both your kidneys like John Deere's do in price, but the Toro tries to jolt your kidneys loose.

This was not the new  zero turning mowers with those hydrostatic arms like farm implements, but those thing run 2400 dollars, so Toro is not exactly cheap either.

I can't say I would ever recommend a buy on this thing or the new ones, for the simple reason 2400 bucks  is like math in a B Farmall is like 1800 if you get a deal, and a belly mower would be 600 and that would last longer, so I never was a lawnmower fan as that is a hell of a lot of money for something that falls apart.

I think all of these mowers paint the word SUCKER on their mowers as Americans are addicted to cutting their grass short and growing weeds. Is like pet food now in these companies just gouge everyone as when a lawnmower starts running 2400 to 4500 dollars just to cut damn grass, something is wrong with the American public's mind.

That is my take on it though. These Toro's suck in their rough ride and they are not geezer friendly. As I said if someone sponsors me for 6 figures, I will sing their praises like the rest, but as I live in the real world, I was not impressed as for that kind of money, you should get a seat that absorbs shock, a padded steering wheel and some kind of feature that allows a human some beer money afterwards.

Nuff Said
