As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I grew up with parents who were cold, distant, uncaring, overbearing and one used religion to dominate others and the other used religion to suffer abuse.
It is difficult to read the Bible and read words of obedience to a bully of a father and a mother who simply due to her mother could not show affection. It is difficult to honor people when they debase you.
The word though is respect. Respect is what the Bible taught wives to perform as a duty to their husbands, and it is the husband who is stronger, who is ordered to love his wife and not be resentful against her.
The worst thing my dad did was in making a control game out of provoking me to anger. He told my mom once, "Just get LC mad and LC will go do it". I received little protection from my mom and my dad was a sociopath who only understood bad things if they had happened to him.
I state the above not as a condemnation on parents, but the duty of children that in the worst of situations, they can cling to their Heavenly Father as their one true parent. For me though to lump all parents into my experience of that thoughtless self centered generation, is wrong, because there are indeed parents who have children who are brats and need to be informed to respect them.
When Germans came to America, they whipped their children with ample discipline and it produced an orderly America. When I witness these screaming Catholic Mexicans pouring into America whose parents have zero respect for laws, the arrogance of the Indians whose children break things and expect the American to get out of the way, and the plotting Muslim hordes, the entire Christian fabric of America is being obliterated.
The worst mistake of Donald Trump's life as a loving parent was he never produced one dutiful child. Donald jr., can not control his sexual urges. Eric is the wife in that marriage. Tiffany is an imploding liberal disaster. Ivanka abandoned her entire German Christian heritage for Jewry as advanced by Rupert Murdoch's Chicom wife. What Barron is, appears to be another slouch in the making. None of that is to pick on the Trump parentage, because what the Clinton's turned out or the Obama's have entitled out are every George W. Bush twins vacant of the duty of the child to respect parents.
The good parents are far and few between, and of those, most of them have thee most worthless children in rebellion.
It is easy to obey and respect a good parent, but most of us have bad parents. What has always surprised me is the numbers of good children who do grow up, and become good parents when having parents they have to work hard at, in never being anything like them.
To Children
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and your mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise—“that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Eph. 6:1–3
For the reality of obedience and respect of parents good and bad. The child in doing this is not doing this for the parents, but it is for God, because God knows the real secret in this in how it builds character in the child,and how adults with character notice children with character and a child's reputation is a name which carries on through life and is noted by God.
TL and I have both worked exceedingly hard to be nothing like our parents. It has developed a resolve in us which makes us better people. That is what is lost in all of this is God in the duties of a child, is actually not focused where the child thinks in the parents being superior and the child being a ward, but the child is being shown a foundation of character. The child who has bad parents is the child in Christs who overcomes, and is not the fool getting arrested for mouthing off to a bad police officer and the child who honors those in authority, at the very least is not serving detention in school or getting fired.
See that is the promise in the Commandment, that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest live long on the earth. It is a simple reality that not getting into trouble with authority and learning to deal with bad jobs and government, you live longer than being an enemy of the state.
The duty of the child is once again the genius of God in providing a foundation for a successful life.
Nuff Said