Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Testicle Trophy

I'm going to cut your balls off old man
and nail your pecker to my door as a door knocker.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For someone who supported Representative McMorris Rodgers for Vice President, her time in the US House under Paul Ryan, has been as lackluster as Kristi Noem, who had the good sense to get out of the House, and become the Governor of South Dakota as their first female Governor.

This entire bogus GOPliter leadership has done nothing for MAGA or Conservative Christians. It is a disaster when it falls to Louie Gohmert to be the lone voice in the House raising hell as McMorris Rodgers remains silent on orders of Paul Ryan.

That is why it is hoped that the firebrand scion of Dick Cheney will take over the propaganda arm of the GOP in the House as the Senate is absolute absent and that Romney pustule running the RNC is culpable in handing over the House to democrats to destroy the Trump agenda.

[Cheney] called for an overhaul of how Republicans plot their course in the public eye. "We need to be able to drive our message across all platforms. We need to own the daily news cycles. We need to lead and win the messaging wars."
"The Democrats have told us what they plan to do with the majority. Every member of our conference must be armed and ready to go on offense," she added. "We must also have an effective rapid response operation—deploying immediate rebuttals and prebuttals to the Democrats' false claims."
Cheney stressed the need to "win the communications battle every day" in order to regain the initiative in the near-term, and the majority in the long-term. "I want to lead the effort to build a new and effective House GOP communications operation," she wrote.
She laid out 10 steps for Republicans in the House to succeed, most focused on dominating "social media, print and radio," which she said will allow Republicans to "[d]rive messaging … and effectively rebut Democrat false claims." Cheney also called for better transparency and communication with the press, something she said will allow the public to understand "what's happening in our hearing rooms and on the House floor." If Republicans execute properly, they should be able to "[w]in the daily news cycle," and spread their message to the American people.

Having to deal with the horses in this race in one choice over the other, this blog supports Representative Jim Jordan for Minority leader, and as no one is challenging that crippled Steve Scalise as Whip, that is what the House is shaping up to be. The one certainty is that dickwad out of California,  Kevin McCarthy is the same treachery as Paul Ryan and his being Minority leader would mean the same anti Republican policies.

Considering the Republicans didn't do a damn thing for America again in holding both houses for two years, if Americans have a stalemate in the Congress would  be the same horrid lack of leadership. The last thing Americans need is compromise, as Pelosi and Schumer will be pushing amnesty to raising taxes. Considering the economic implosion America is facing, watching 2 years of a Trump WWE event is as welcome as eating roadkill. So  Donald Trump runs against the democrats for 2020 and Mike Pence runs against Donald Trump in replacing him.

The Republicans have had zero leadership for Republicans in Congress. They have all been AWOL under Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell orders.

Does Donald Trump stand a Ronald Reagan chance in putting the care into Tip O'Neill to pass the Reagan agenda? Not a snowball's chance as Trump via Pence couldn't control his own GOPliters, so passing Ivanka liberal legislation will only alienate his base, even as Mr.President makes the GOP a Kayne West and Kushner party by giving the WWE theater speech to Christians and Conservatives.

So Donald Trump will have to be Obama, in ruling by mandate and stocking the  Judiciary with appointments that Jeb Bush would cuddle with as that is what Mitch McConnell is. Two years of Trump railing in trying to keep the GOP nomination from Mike Pence is uninteresting. If Mr. President makes it blood sport in picking off democrats in the House for their crimes and arresting Obama would be interesting. This blog stated in 2016 that Mr. Trump would have to make Obama a criminal or Mr. Trump would be made one. Mr. Trump failed at this, but the 2018 AD in the year of our Lord midterms in Jeb Bush's victory lap, indicate that the image of Obama has lost the lustre completely. Obama was a disaster in all of his candidates lost. He is ripe for indictment. Indict Obama on Benghazi, not Clinton. Use Hillary Clinton as a subpoenaed witness against Obama in Grand Jury testimony. It taints the rag bag and gives democrats something to play with. They can either defend criminal Obama or go after the unindicted Donald Trump in Robert Mueller's disappearing witch hunt.

I doubt Corey Lewandowski or Steve Bannon will be offering up this advice, and John Kelly being the Junta Harpie in charge of this disaster called Donal Trump, what needs to be done will not be accomplished as America needs a castration queen like Liz Cheney making  testicle trophy.


 I tell Nancy what to do as she has botox brain.

The GOP message must focus on the harpies like Maxine Waters in making these nuts the face of the democrats, and drum a constant message that Nancy Pelosi is incapable of leadership in being too old and worn out.


 Of course I listen to Maxine like background noise.

 The popular girl has laid out the premium strategy for a Republican party. That is more than the Republicans have accomplished in years.

Nuff Said.
