Friday, November 2, 2018

President Trump wishes Alec Baldwin Luck

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry issues an appeal to Governor Cuomo of New York and Mayor Blasio of New York City to issue executive orders providing Emmy Winner Alec Baldwin a permanent parking spot outside of his apartment in Greenwhich Village.

The reason for this plea is parking in New York is impossible. What takes place there is an apartment dweller of means and automobile, will contact a friend to parking place sit for them while they do errands, It usually involves parking their vehicle in the spot. In Alec Baldwin's case, his spot was vacated by him, and his friend parked in it, doing whatever,  until Alec phoned him, he was down the block and the friend pulled out and Alec pulls in.

We're told Baldwin became irate, an argument ensued, and Baldwin punched the man in the jaw. The alleged victim, a 49-year-old male, was taken to the hospital.
One witness tells us Alec yelled "F**k off" during the fight. Cops were called and Alec was arrested. Baldwin lives in the area.

Something went wrong today in the friend left the spot too soon and another adept New York driver took the spot which infuriated Baldwin. It got to the point that Baldwin and the friend were bullying the other driver, and in the altercation, the driver was hit in the jaw. Baldwin assures everyone he did not punch the old man.

Alec has denied the allegations on Twitter, stating, "Normally, I would not comment on something as egregiously misstated as today's story. However, the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is false. I wanted to go on the record stating as such." 

This blog  agonizes with Alec Baldwin in his frustrations at lack of roles and then being given a welfare Emmy for mocking Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, a kid's show which most are now gummers who need dentures like Chevy Chase.

Mr. Baldwin has so much. His greatest asset of course is his gorgeous wife, Hilaria Baldwin, and mother of their beautiful children.

Should not have a wife like this be enough to be the music to soothe the  savage breast. Most men being drained of bodily fluids by a baby producer like this would not care if Adolf Hitler was roasting Jews in their oven, even if they are the Jews. Hell Rob Reiner or Jared Kushner would load up the inlaws  if they were being bedded with a woman this goddess like.

So it seems a small thing for the Governor and Mayor of New York and New York City to give Alec Baldwin his own parking place. All of the important people should have their ow parking spaces, with a special Police towing unit and SWAT team to remove cars and to gun down those who dared violate the Alec Baldwin parking place.

Has not Alec Baldwin suffered enough in now being pitied by President Donald Trump?  A man needs his dignity and to be looked upon by their wife as her lord and master. It is time to provide Mr. Baldwin his own parking place with full lethal enforcement.
