We got Donald by the balls Mike.......
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well, well, well, we learn something new in our episode of Days of our White House, in President Trump obfuscated on whether Mike Pence is in the process of forcing Donald Trump from the Presidency, in one simple headline which says it all. See it was not the New York Times which posted the story on Mike Pence, it was The Hill, which is a Republican venue, and that publication was quoting Trump Sphere outsiders who were very concerned about Mike Pence's machinations inside the White House, from Pence trying to get John Kelly fired, so that Pence's stooge, Nick Ayers who started America First, who is in love with Katie Walsh and hired her after Donald Trump fired that leaker.
President Trump Talks to Press as He Leaves for California, Calls Story Questioning Mike Pence’s Loyalty: ‘Typical New York Times Phony Story’
So now we know something in the roots of Mike Pence, who got himself onto the Republican ticket in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, after stealing the Indiana election from Ted Cruz and delivering Indiana to Donald Trump, and before Trump could decide on Pence, Pence announced by the DIA that he was Trump's choice for Vice President, before Donald John could make an appropriate pick.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Trump Sphere Does Read the Lame Cherry
Pence has been killing off everyone who was pro Trump, along with the Kushner's and putting into place their people. Over 1/2 of the White House staff now are Pencistes and not loyal to the President. The fact is Pence has created an alternative White House, which is available the moment Trump is ousted, and is why he was moving his chief if staff in Ayers to be Trumps. For the record, Pence had to delay his flight when Ayers was nominated as his COS, to talk Trump down from firing Ayers, as Pence assured this #NeverTrumper was a good guy.
Donald Trump is not strong enough in his position to go public in ridding himself of Mike Pence as the mafia behind Pence is too embedded in all of this.
But then Donald Trump's new friend in the House in Nancy Pelosi, has his full support for Speaker.
President Trump Plays Chess, Says He’ll Help Pelosi Get Votes to Get Elected Speaker, Says Opponents are ‘Wasting Their Time’Mr. President can not reveal that his outer sphere are reading this blog and warning him of the internal intrigue against him, which he is aware of, but can do nothing about. That is why all these Bushites are all over the Trump White House as Pence trolls against the President. The pictures prove Lame Cherry right again on all of this and the President is not in a position of power to do anything about any of this except obfuscate.
Hang in there HW, Jeb will be President Pence's VP for 2020
Nuff Said