Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Beast Commissions Jews to Rewrite New Testament

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well, is not this one of thee most novel of things in Donald Trump has commissioned Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh to rewrite the entire history of the Negroids in America, with footnotes providing insights that White Slave Traders were really innocent as Blacks were stupid niggers who really wanted to be slaves.........

Now that this blog has your attention, a most interesting meeting took place in the European Super State as the King of the Jew, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, joined with various Jewish power interests to begin the process of a Jewish rewrite of Christianity, beginning with the New Testament, complete with footnotes to explain to stupid reader that references to "Jews" in the Gospel are racist and that Jesus really deserve to be murdered, because the Jews were innocent.

Among the policies mentioned in the document was the idea of warning messages in holy texts, a topic discussed in a chapter entitled 'recommendations regarding Religious Groups and Institutions'.
The document reads: 'Translations of the New Testament, the Qur’an and other Christian or Muslim literatures need marginal glosses, and introductions that emphasize continuity with Jewish heritage of both Christianity and Islam and warn readers about antisemitic passages in them.
'While some efforts have been made in this direction in the case of Christianity, these efforts need to be extended and made consistent in both religions.'

What has literally been embarked upon is Christ deniers now have empire backing to edit Christianity out of existence as a bastard religion like Islam, and the only real belief is the Talmud...........

Yes that Talmud which will provide the quotations for the KJV, the King Jew Version of the Bible. Like the following quotes:

The Virgin Mary brought forth a son

* Jew Note: Mary was a whore who had more Roman cock in her than a public bath.

Jesus was the Son of God.

*Jew Note: Jesus was a bastard born of a prostitute who deserved to be put to death.

And the Jews sought to kill Jesus.

*Jew Note: The Jew was only protecting themselves from the prostitute bastard terrorist known as Jesus and we all know Jews are heroes for being the apple of God's eye.

In a serious critique of this, what kind of audacity and self absorbed apostasy do these Kurz Jews exist in, that they have taken it upon themselves to CENSOR THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST which is the fulfillment of the Prophets of the Old Testament? That is why I used the example of Limbaugh, Hannity and Trump being pasty white, editing propaganda against Blacks. For the simple act of decency no person would ever engage in using white out for any person's religion or creed and writing in their own bias. What these Jews have been commissioned to do is an act of hate by thee most hateful of creatures who last time they got involved with book burning it was the Nazi's being funded by these Shylocks.

Now they have entered into an international propaganda wing An End to Anti Semtism, a Catalogue of Policies to combat Anti Semitism, where the misunderstanding is, that people detest these manipulative Christ haters, for their actions, not for their Ashkenaz DNA.

These are the people who cheered 9 11, cheered Obama Islamic genocide, have funded the sodomization of America, and now they have come for Christian Bibles. This literally is the Beast of Revelation, destroying God's Inspired Scripture in the second crucification of Christ. These zealots have not been able to destroy Christ, not been able to destroy Christian Europe, have not been able to genocide Germans and Americans, so now Jewry has initiated to destroy their Bible's handed down from God as Holy men were Inspired by the Holy Ghost.

You will notice these Jews are not rewriting the Vatican amplified texts, but are going after Protestant Bibles.

Those are the facts in this group of elders who have criminalized Christians, have now embarked on the genocide of the Word of God in the Christian Faith.

Nuff Said

