Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Wisdoms of You

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to share the following excerpts from a few of the dear people who have written from the trails Jesus is carrying them through to the deliverance we hope for here in Christ. The update on mom is a lesson in it is still difficult for me to be a drill Sargent to a child who is now my mother. It is worse in the constant wanting to be waited on and my having to be the adult laying down orders, sometimes loudly for sometime so it soaks in and repeating it again ten minutes later when having fallen asleep I am issued new requests in having awoken from a dream  seem so real.

I have her now conditioned to stay in bed or the chair and not move. There has been enough success in days in a row that I would call it a success. I think the fluids were toxic to her and she was seeing things at time and the jar to her head did not help. One morning upon being summoned she asked me how that little girl could breathe under the covers. I said there is not a little girl there. To which it was asked if it was a little boy. I explained no one was there as it was a dream, and with that realization of what was real, she settled down again.

The seeping in her legs has been a blessing and that begins the first note mentioning what Moi's experience was repeatedly observed in her work. TL was really impressed with the blood serum bruising having drained almost completely from the injury. There is the surface skin bruising now lessening the coconut oil helps, and the legs by the thighs are not swelled. It is the knees and below the feet, but I am working on getting her walking a bit more each day. Problem is it is cold bitch here now and that means no outside work.

The elections had one blessing in mom asked on Sunday about voting. I had hoped to work her up  to getting her to vote, but she was not ready for outside Sunday, but she asked again on Monday and I figured we would go,but I told her that she had to bring her A game as she could not act like an invalid. She did a good job at the voting place. I mean people knew something was wrong, but it was not anything that would be a comment beyond age.

She was pleased and while none of this will probably ever be over now, it is a point that I am able to rest a bit more in her not wandering off and hurting herself or killing herself.
I talked to a father today of a kid I went to school with. His son is a truck driver and took the wrong turn off in a small town and started tearing down the low hanging wires on side streets. The cops knew something was wrong and got him stopped, had an ambulance, and he had a bloodclot in his leg, septic with poison, from sitting too much. They drained it, fixed his other leg too, but he almost died. That toxic chit does all kinds of things to a person's mind.

You and TL have done a fantastic job taking care of her injury
(not that you needed that affirmation.)  As a now non-practicing nurse,
we would see injuries like your mother's frequently--mostly transfers
from skilled nursing facilities that would wait until the leg/legs
looked hopeless until transferring them for a lengthy stay in the
hospital where we would change dressings much like you did until the
wound/s healed.

I now look at the thrift store more as a depository of dead people's things, as I raided the diaper rack again, and got 30 men's briefs. I cut them down for a bandage, and they are better than Depends in less leaking. I use sport tape, and either cut off sock  to hold it in place when I take her out, or use one of my military socks to keep things where they should be. As the leg gets less swelling the bandage does not want to stay in place.

It is hell in going through this, as numbers of people  do.  It is not any better with the professionals either in the following note explains. I am against deadbeats and believe in people pulling their weight, but hell's bells the way I feel now, they could take me out and shoot me and I would consider it a favor. Sometimes people need care, because things went against them. You can't crack the whip on a downed mule. That is why so many White People  were killing themselves under Obama as people get down, depressed and just don't have it in them sometimes to want to continue on for the way out.

Mom does not have diabetes.She is just stubborn and was having pop as a food group. I now control the food groups and monitor things, and she is steadily recovering. No she is not sure on her feet and she has rocked backwards and would have fallen several times, but I was there. It will take sometime. I appreciate though in people suggesting things I could check as I am not Jesus here and I have been so tired that I have about fallen down a few times too in being woke up and  having to check on her.

If Ben Carson is the one running HUD, it appears he is a real crack the whip cabinet secretary. In having gone through this with animals and people, it is one thing for guidelines to play hard ball, and it is another thing for care givers to be the ones telling people to get the hell out. It is easy to sit in Washington or Albany issuing mandates to faceless people, because  they never see the wretched lives which are always one foot in the grave.

Dear Lame Cherry I just wanted to thank you for all you do in standing for God against this evil that we live with. I read your blog and always pray for you and your family. I work in a small shelter so I am on limited income but I wanted to share with you to help ease your burden- even if just a small amount. Hopefully this gift helps a bit. The "new" Hud guidelines are making a tough job worse. It used to be people could be discharged for not adhering to rule but no more. Now substance abuse, not doing chores, now anything is grounds for discharge. I would have thought this was Obama's guidelines but supposedly there are "new" so who really knows but it has made my job a nightmare and increased my stress level. Has you mom been checked for diabetes? My Mom's leg looked like that once and she was diabetic so I am no doctor but it looked similar to the picture. I hope she is healing. May God bless you, TL and your Mom and protect you all from evil in Christ Jesus name.

The Viking wrote and was sharing his situation with his Mom, which is even more trying as our situation as in attempting to get a place with this blog, in order to alleviate the financial burdens on mom's meager funds which is feeding us, I at least am at work in the house or feeding the animals outside. The Viking has to drive hours to work in Minnesota metro and work shifts, as his faithful wife is doing all she can in taking care of her mom and her mother in law. There simply are not enough people to do things.

I looked at funding for in home care, but Medicare does not pay anything, unless it is jump through the hoops filing papers in the insiders racket. When my 103 year old aunt was alone at home, she hired my cousin who was a teenager to stay the night with her so she would not be alone. The Viking's Mom though is in the realm of a walker and a bit more care.
For our rat hole situation and lack of finances and access to anything government, I can't bring people in here or it would cause more problems.  What I would suggest is maybe in some situations, maybe like a dog walker or plant waterer might fill in. I mean maybe there is someone who could be trusted who could be there for a few hours. Nannycams would keep an eye on things, rules in no one else allowed into the home etc... There might be a way for something to be covered. Maybe some college kid in physical therapy would be interested in making some money, house sitting from like noon till four or whatever during the day.

So I’m wondering if there is a special way to pray for relief from this burden

I have been deluged with not being able to effectively pray, but my suggestion is to command for the Light of God and Love of God to provide the relief in people and money for the situation. I commanded that and it really rectified the mother situation, to I believe her soul is saved again, but it has been hell, but it has been improving. I do not have the entire situation solved but, I am learning to appreciate getting two hours of sleep at a time and not having to do 4 loads of laundry a day.
Lord God, we went to town on an errand and next day that cat was shitting like a goose and the same claim from the mother that she had not fed that cat. That was shit on things, shit on the sheet I keep on the bed in dealing with the leaking, to where things seem to be less volatile at this moment as the Puntz is sleeping on a pile of my clothes in mom's bedroom. It has been for weeks now in being sick and getting some new disaster every few hours. I believe though God's Love will solve everything in making it right when commanded to a positive solution.

That is what I have been engaged in. I know again now that there are things no child should be having to be clinical with in their parents. Should be though is not the way it is, as we do not have Eskimo icebergs to drop the old folks on for a polar bear or killer whale to snack on,  so it is the unfair, but then  Moi experiences unfair, HUD experiences unfair and the Viking experiences unfair as all those rich people are in luxury pretending they are really good people and christian as they know of people with real problems hanging on by their fingernails and they do nothing about it.

It is what I now am praying as of a post today, that each day that these rich people saved or unsaved, do not get the caring part right in money where it should be going, that the reward in Heaven degrades lower each day and in hell  it keeps dropping to a lower level of torment. Hot coals.

There are numbers of people suffering while others are living without care. Penalty phases are a good teaching lesson to make rich people start acting human. 
That is what I came across in the Martin Luther study of the Catechism. The poor have Authority to name rich people before God for God to Judge as God has purpose in dealing with uncaring rich people.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
