Thursday, November 8, 2018

Trump Sport: The A Team

Acting Attorney General Matt G. End Game Whitaker

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the forced resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions by President Donald Trump in the Day of the Quick Slice, after the end of MAGA in the GOP handing over the US House to democrats, for the Pence 2020 election in ousting Donald John Trump from the White House, a new phase of Trump Sport has been initiated in the appointment of Justice Department COS of Mr. Sessions, to Acting Attorney General, in Matthew G. Whitaker.

 The President was busy alerting democrats that the second half of the Trump first term is one in which Donald Trump is now using his favorite device in the legal system to fight those who are attacking him. In this Mr. President has unleashed a reality that if democrats in the House now start investigating him, he will investigate them.

COS John Kelly was the one who delivered the horse head to Jeff Sessions, who immediately accepted an offer he could not refuse. What transpired had been in the action phase for some time by the President. He fully intended to deal with Jeff Sessions and the situation at Justice immediately, now that the midterms are concluded. Expect more horse heads for others in other phases of this.
This was played  close to the DIA vest. At a presser the President said nothing, and then Sessions was gone, as the President knew he was already packing.

Twitter has been the platform of the President in this, along with the two point reality of this in the President states Whitaker will serve our country well.... That is an opened ended thought, it is live and actionable. The Acting AG is there for a purpose and he knows that purpose.

We are pleased to announce that Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice, will become our new Acting Attorney General of the United States. He will serve our Country well....

Matt Whitake is not permanent in this. He has a job to do what is required and then the next AG will appear.

6h6 hours ago
....We thank Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his service, and wish him well! A permanent replacement will be nominated at a later date.

The odds are someone has been auditioning for this position from the Senate, and with top contender in Senator Lindsey Graham. Republican Governor Henry McMaster will then appoint another Donald Trump choice to the US Senate.

I am a tough SOB. I wear burlap jock straps lined with burdocks.

The Acting AG has been quite vocal in calling Debbie Wasserman Schultz a crook and Robert Mueller a witch hunter. He also posted this unique perspective.

 Matt Whitaker is an activist and exactly what President Trump needed from the beginning, in a legal Robert Borke, willing to protect the President. In the above he states how to kill the Mueller witch hunt in cutting off all the funding. Couple this with the Acting AG selectively declassifying democrat connections in this and we have entered the phase in this of Trump Sport.

For MAGA and America this is two years too late. This is the necessary blood sport of the President. At this point in Mr. Trump playing from behind, he is ahead of President Richard Nixon, but only beginning to achieve the necessary zealotry of Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with Barack Hussein Obama in the enforcer, Eric Holder.

If Mr. Trump finally has a loyal proactive AG, this will be the first interesting winter of our discontent in this blood sport. It would be a logical conclusion in Mr. Whitaker, already having all the insider information as former AG Sessions COS, that he will move swiftly in what needs to be accomplished.
It would be logical to legally implicate a key democrat to put the scare into the rest. It would be logical that Rod Rosenstein in the "leaks" has been placed on the short leash, as Mr. President would enjoy dangling a nemesis, having his tooth and claw pulled by his superior in Matt Whitaker. It is logical the Acting AG has been providing insights to the White House all through this, and this is why he has been chosen as a proven loyalist.

As General Patton noted, America loves a winner. Winners take action and that is what Americans desire.  The Acting AG in order for the President to secure the 2020 nomination, will have to neutralize the President's enemies, or his enemies inside and outside the White House will deny him that nomination.

Logic dictates that if democratic opposition evaporates to Donald Trump and legislation, and yes that means amnesty is passed as Mr. Trump 'moves center' cementing his Obama Socialism, it will be due to the Acting AG having made it certain that there are career ending scandals for House democrats about to be revealed.
Adam Schiff was gaining information from certain sources and John Brennan has mysteriously gone silent again.

Nuff Said

I am the AG with the EG, the End Game!!!
