Monday, December 10, 2018

2016 was just annihilated Today


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well, well, well, look at what the Obama dragged in for protected baby butchering and trading in human body parts, in none other than Brett "I was too drunk" Kavanaugh voting with the likes of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her four other lesbians on the court, including John suck dick Roberts.

Yes all of you who were so WWE diverted in Kavanaugh to listen that Kavanaugh said he was going to uphold all things Obama, just discovered your first in a long line of David Souter voters to betray you again.

Yes Louisiana and Kansas  tried to shut down Planned Parenthood funding, and it was supposed to take only 4 justices to vote to hear the  case and uphold life, but who was it that was absent?

It only takes the votes of four justices to hear a case, which most assumed would be a given with President Donald Trump having appointed two new justices to form what has widely been called a 5-4 conservative majority. But only Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Trump’s first nominee Neil Gorsuch voted to take the case.

The treachery of John Roberts is already well known in Obamacare and his attacks on Donald Trump, with promoting sodomy. Now Brett Kavanaugh has joined the baby butchers, after we were assured he was pro life.
Guess what is coming for Second Amendment rights being stripped children from Brett Kavanaugh?


See Kam, now you know why I like Brett. He would hand out
coat hangers in the ghetto to keep abortions available.

I told you this was all coming, and do not be thrilled about Gorsuch, because if this was about sodomites, he would have not been voting for the right either.

So you have two Justices on the court in Alito and Thomas, after 2 wonderful choices by Donald Trump, who did not defund Planned Parenthood and 250,000 babies were murdered last year under Mr. President.

Merry Christmas and enjoy many more Kavanaugh presents under your tree as this Obama judge is going to do the damage which I predicted. The President is fully accountable on this as this was his choice, and now you know why Lindsey in the gay ear Graham was all for Kavanaugh. Do not trust that faggy Graham as he is a stooge playing a part like Orin Hatch was for years.

Oh and do not think that there is not power in Donald Trump to have stopped that little prick Jeff Flake from blocking all the Conservatives Trump put up. It was all a ruse and Mr. President has never had any intention of stopping aborticide as that is what his little princess wants to keep viable, in case she gets knocked up by some black dick and can't convince Jared, it was when he had a sunburn.

2016 was just annihilated today.


 You might not know this Senator, but I coach at Planned Parenthood
on how to pinch little fetuses each Christmas and my team holds the record...

 Lame Cherry proven RIGHT AGAIN in another matter anti matter exclusive.

Nuff Said

