Monday, December 10, 2018

Donald Trump's New Chief of Staff

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the Trump Outsiders still speaking to Mr. Trump, I do have a solution to his  Chief of Staff problem, and the person he should pick is Linda McGlaughlin, who is Sean Hannity's producer and basically, mother, maid, conscience and whatever else Homo Hannity has her doing as she keeps his program viable.

Sean Hannity - Congrats to Lynda, the best executive radio ...

Congrats to Lynda, the best executive radio producer in the business, who gave birth to 9lb 9oz Liam Thomas on Tuesday!

This woman is definitely a Conservative, will not take shit from anyone, including the President and would understand the nuance and ambiance of the White House in how to get loyal people to do things for the President.

I would have picked her if I had been chosen to serve at 1600 Penn. She is professional and has people skills.

In addition to this, she has Homo as her boss and in that, she has the Holy Grail of legislative contacts for moving the Trump agenda in it's shattered form. Granted from the Truth she has spoken about democrats, she is not going to be the greatest salve on anything bipartisan, but the next few years are all going to be about a tooth and claw fight, and she would be up for that.

I would just get her a trusted White House Counsel to run legal things by to protect her from Muellerism and Donald  Trump would have the most capable CoS possible.

Nuff Said

