Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Trump's Adviser Gambles Your Pension Funds In Stock Market Plunge

Till Death or Stock Market Plunge Doth Us Part

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A cataclysmic event took place as America was hit with a 9 11 economic attack in a 600 point stock plunge on December 24th, and in order to offset this, Donald Trump on the weekend before Christmas initiated according to Zerohedge a stock plunge protection. That would be the 22nd and 23rd, and the market still plunged.
SO YOU GET THIS, with pumping measures in place, the market still went free fall. That is what a 9 11 economic attack looks like.

Now understand this on the 26th, where Donald Trump's adviser, Stephen Feinberg who controls most of the 50 United States retirement investments, which were mostly safely in bonds, Cerebrus which Feinberg controls pulled 65 billion out of bonds and on the 26th pumped that money into the stock market or a 1000 point rise.

Day After Christmas Dramatic Rebound: Dow Jones Industrial Average Soars 1,000 Points — Largest One-Day Gain in History

So you get this, geezer retirement packages just were dumped into the stock market which means they are backed by nothing, and this appears to be one of the last firewalls in this sham stabilization. The markets go down and State Retirement Packages, and that is Mike Pence's Indiana, which Cerebus chiefly controls will be wiped out.
I told my mother earlier this year that she had better not trust in her retirement as when the markets fell, it would be gone. That is the issue now on the Prophetic horizon. All of these smart ass rich non donors who thought they had their pensions, are now beyond vulnerable. This is thee worst disaster in the making and what follows will be soup kitchens and only concentrated geezer tents to house them when they can not pay their bills. When I think of the Snow Bird Line from Arizona to Florida in 40 million geezers not having a retirement check, those states are going to hit a depression worse than the 1930's. Think of sick old people, without money, needing additional care and not having money to eat.
The mother going seated on Black Friday after Thanksgiving now looks like a Godsend.

The Trump voting states are facing economic implosion and you can thank the Pentajew faction in Trump Trans who just booted Mad Dong Mattis out at Defense, and Mattis was against Feinberg the Jew from holding a security clearance. Feinberg is now part of that loop and in this as the President urges Americans to BUY THE DIP, thee entire infrastructure of the United States is now hanging over the edge. Pensions are poised to vaporize in the next hit the United States plunges into.

I have been most kind and most generous to you rich people. I warned you a time was coming when you would be targeted and one day you would not have the money to donate as it would be gone. You thought you were immune and safe in your luxury. This disaster is now in motion. Pensions in America are about to cease for the majority and it will all be done by hook and crook, legally. Your portfolio disappears, and it will not come back, and the rich will be dead before it has any value ever again.

Tick Tock

Nuff Said

