Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Haj to Mecca McCain

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am distraught now in what seems years since the passing of John the hero McCain, and my distraughtness has sunk to sunkenness like no one has ever before experience as I was hoping to lead a pilgrimage, a haj, a hippie trail head full of zombie to the shrine of John the hero McCain's death, which I will petition to become a national monument to be overlaid with gold and demolishing Phoenix as a mere city is not worthy to stand next to the shrine of John the hero McCain.

The problem in this is where did John the hero McCain die?

I had no idea he had so many mansions. How can a pilgrim embark upon this epic journey of enlightenment to lay flowers, lay wreaths, to lay tears, to lay down on the asphalt and mourn for hours before the place of John the hero McCain's departure.

All I desired to do was visit the Graceland of Politics, and the question is where does a John the hero McCain supporter go, when there are so many locations in such luxury to journey to.


I mean did John the hero McCain expire in this bed or was it another bed in some other location. Would it be acceptable to mourn before a bed like this when another bed only deserves this honor.

I apologize for the above as that is the White House and that is one home that John the hero McCain never slept in nor could find a way to buy himself into. But perhaps our hero, John the hero McCain died on top of this mountain in Arizona?


Should I wear a coat in a mountain retreat or should one dress in only formal attire?

As I have stated, I am even more distraught, as like millions of others, nay billions, we are all lost without John the hero McCain, and we yearn to touch the touchstone of our beings, to travel to our McCain Mecca, and we are being denied as John the hero McCain had so many residences that we simply would blister our knees raw in crawling to all of these locations, as crawling is the only fitting honor to glorify such a wonder as John the hero McCain.

 It should be a right, yes, the Constitution must be amended that all have  the right to freedom of pilgrimage to John the hero McCain, wherever his dead zone is and here are more of those dead zones.

Where oh where did our John the hero McCain die
Where oh where we ask why
With his skycraper here
And his compound there
Where oh where did he die?
