Saturday, December 29, 2018

I am pondering a move

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

DC Dave invited me to go target shooting if we ever get down to New Mexico for a Merry Christmas. As I sit here with a knob which appeared that burns like hell, a blizzard, and after all the chit up here, I am if I had wings like a dove I would fly away

I never mentioned this, but I had two states I originally thought about moving to One was eastern Oregon in the desert and the other was from a calendar picture of New Mexico. Lack of funds and volcanoes and beaners suggested not ever attempting it, but I am once again thinking of New Mexico as Richard and Stephanie assure me that I can spray volumes of pesticide to kill off the bugs and Stephanie is thinking fondly of 100 degree Texas heat in December.

So I decided to exercise as ponies were kicking the cows in the blizzard having fun and me with this  sore leg was running around heading off the stampede and hating the brier patch with my depths of loathing for this horrid ass place I reside with shit for relatives and shitty rich landowners.

OK the things I look for in a place to live are the things I hate

I hate PEOPLE.

I hate military bases as they attract regimes both domestic and foreign. I do not want to get shot by our regime and I do not want to get nuked by a foreign regime.

I hate foreign vermin.

I hate travel routes.

I hate mountains.

I hate trees.
OK now to quantify this, I do not like places I can not see out of.  Mountains in the distance are just peachy, as are trees, but I do not want them around me. I like leopard country, savannas in fact.

Now for what I like:

No people.

No cities

Country with breaks

Country with water in it sometime of the year.


That last part might sound odd, but land which grows grass is wet enough while grass with sage, chaparral and mesquite is in the dry zone in not much will grow there.
Country with a roll to it, provides cover from eyes and storm.

So I study maps. I also do not want any damned Indian reservations as that is just a problem waiting to happen like a military base.

I'm not much for BLM lands either which are nice, but after LaVoy Finnicum, there is not much attraction having gopher police shooting you. You got cops of any kind and you got drones and they are always f*cking around flying over you as they are bored and looking for something to justify their being a leech on the system.

I do not want population growth. That means liberals and Mexicans Again more problems of taxes and two legged vermin sticking their nose in my life

Not about to do any White Sands shit either. No thank you for that nuclear target.

Mind you, nuclear targets are not all bad, as New Mexico is unique in, that with a good nuclear salvo, it would concentrate  down the center of the state. That means ridding the population, the regime attraction, and the gem of all gems in a Nuclear Wall to keep out California vermin and Mexican beaners. Nothing says KEEP OUT better than rotting corpses.

Oh and I hate dairy farmers.

Their daughters are plumpers and their sons are stupid fatards. Their conversations are always their not having enough money, how hard they work and if I want that I can live in New York City and listen to stock traders.

Dairy farmers like corn farmers, always drive up land prices, are arrogant assholes with one dimensional personalities. They are like Obama except they work.

 So above is Clovis New Mexico, must be Clovis Point. It gets Texas hot there and them poor Holsteins are thin because large objects collect too much heat except fat farm girls in air conditioning. The land is too flat for me, but that slot of eastern New Mexico has promise for the reasons above. I suspect people are getting out of beaner Texas  in why the border is building in population. Somewhere in there though I would settle from Roswell to north. Too much of it looks like Panhandle Oklahoma Moonscape but that is the problem I can rectify with making tanks and damming up some wash for water to make things grow a bit.

The best rivers in America come out of New Mexico, in the Canadians, Pecos, Rio and Cimarron. She has good drainage in two, the  eastern and central.

This is the old Stakes Plains Country, buffalo land in the Llano Estacado. The only real problem is in a meltdown are the Texicans, as they got a shit load of people in that big state and the reason bandits ran New Mexico was it was a long way from nothing. Salvation would be Texans with rifles shooting vermin and Texans wearing shoes out before they had the Llano.

Lot's of trade offs in New Mexico in you trade location for nuclear pollution and you got Texicans looking for my food supply to make it their own in the more hardy ones venturing west....then again fall out kills and a good shower would depopulate west Texas and the Mexicans would view that as an unpleasant meal.

This was a good exercise to distract me of my knee, the wind outside, that damned snow and all sorts of other misery. It really is a shitty thing that an American has to wait for a meltdown in the geezers becoming bait or nukes from Asia to thin things out. I am going to find a picture of a pretty New Mexican woman to put on top of this as pretty helps everything.

For the astute I probably have taught you something if you were paying attention, if not you are probably destined to be  fodder.

Nuff Said

