Saturday, December 29, 2018

Anatomy of a HAARP

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In watching HAARP's Christmas Christian Killer Storm, there are issues in this of the anatomy of HAARP which make absolutely no sense as the data never matches the reality. It is like having a patient with a 104 degree fever, but their limbs are freezing as their blood pressure is 400 while their heart rate is 20 beats a minute.

Observe the Christian Killer in action. ZERO ROTATION for a Lo Pressure system of hurricane proportions.
This is most important a rotation would point to wind direction. In this storm there should be nothing but south winds by cloud direction.
Yet this was the wind pattern. The winds show a rotation, not in the supposed to be circle motion, but this is instead a strangulated vulva. Note over the central plains there is a huge flow of a slot of air coming out of Canada.

What you are witnessing is the opposite pipeline of hot moisture flowing into Texas providing precipitation,  which in the next phase of the map was a storm surge going north out of Louisiana. The cold air tap in this is coming out of  Saskatchewan Canada
Again "maps" earlier pointed to Greenland being the source of hyper cold  for this system. Again this can not happen under normal weather.

Once again these HAARP storms look like a bomb has detonated, or more to the point, you are witnessing super heat expanding this plume of storm, slamming into the textbook "wall" on the Canadian border of cold generated air.


The temperature map is fascinating in this as Omaha Nebraska was reporting 53 degrees while western Nebraska was in the 20's. The demarcation line was around Lincoln. I am not stating that weather extremes can not happen, what I am stating this kind of weather must have a Canadian or Arctic Clipper or Lo Pressure slamming down for a ground blizzard for this kind of temperature to take  place, and none appeared.
There has been this damn 20 degree pocket over Trump northern plains states since October. The Weather Mods have been using this as a  base to generate the strange weather which took place The pattern as I noted is creating this plume pushes on the east coast and central plains, drawing moisture out of the Gulf.


I am going to show you something in perspective now. Below is a super hurricane, just off the coast of Florida.  It looks big doesn't it?

This is a phot of the HAARP generated super Cyclone in the Christian Killer. This storm is a dozen times larger than a CAT 5 hurricane to give you some perspective of what was done to the United States by HAARP.

HAARP is a madness where heat plumes are created, and blocking cold walls along the Canadian border on every storm. From this a river jet of moisture pours in and a river hydrant of cold air is pumped in. This is what artificial weather looks like, if you are creating a snow machine on ski slopes to create fake snow.

Again no one has shown you the inner workings of HAARP. A great deal of it is bizarre in this artificial atmosphere, in the winds  do change direction at times. Again there are areas in North America in which the wind only blows out of the north, no matter what 'front" is supposed to be coming. That is impossible, but it is what HAARP is. But there are patterns in this which appear and repeat.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

