Saturday, December 29, 2018

There is a reason you missed the anti Christ

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the title of this says it all, there is a reason you missed the anti Christ. For most of you, you have no idea why, even if in the archives I have explained what the foundation of American thinking is, as everything you know is based upon the work of Charles Lindberg's father. which passed onto Eustus Mullens, which evolved into the PHD explanation of Dr. John Coleman.

If you have ever heard the terms Bilderbergs and Committee of 300, that is Dr. John Coleman and if you heard that, your source was Jeff Rense, as he was the main dispenser of that knowledge, which became the foundations of all things Alex Jones and the entire fringe media group.

All of you have been conditioned to looked at Jew bankers who launder the money from the Vatican, another culprit in this, and the entire hierarchy of Rockefeller in America and whoever in Europe. There are the offshoots of the Cecil Rhodes Round Table and all the other Council on Foreign Relations,

There is something else in this though, which has appeared with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, and that is the Habsburg Dynasty. I realized when I began publishing all the accomplishments of this Austrian master, that people would yawn and smirk, in being brainwashed as nothing powerful or interesting could come out of Austria. Even the Herbert Armstrong group were dead certain everything had to come out of Germany. No one was looking at the things this blog was pointing to, and with Google rigging my numbers to drop and the know it alls passing by the information as they were the always experts who liked forgetting that it was this blog that began by God's Grace writing the Donald Trump timeline, while they were still in fear hiding behind their screens from Obama racism, that their self absorbed delusions of how intelligent they are, had them missing the greatest story ever of the modern era.

No one saw any of this coming. Alex Jones has been with Infowars a non player. ZeroHedge has been hitting this around the edges, but no one has published information on the Emperor's family, as there is not any information, as those inside have kept their mouths shut in this order.
That is what is different in all of this in all the world history the English, French, Prussian, Spanish and Russians could not record enough of their power and intrigue. The Habsburgs were never a warring monarchy but one which arose across the Danube by marriage contracts. They never were  held hostage by the Rothschild banking schemes nor were overcome by Muslims.  They were the Vatican vanguard and still are. There is not any Protestant reformation in this host which arose out of German ranks.

What you have in the Habsburgs is a solid royal monarchy, not like the flits of London or the boorish lowlands.  You have a family which survived in Germany 100 years after their lands, crown and fortunes were stolen. They have continuity in this family and have held together against all odds, keeping the old order viable, and in biding their time, arose at the opportune moment, Sebastian Kurz with a full political agenda which has not wasted a day since he assumed the leadership of Europe.
As this blog first pointed out, Sebastian Kurz is creating a European Super State of a 1000 year Reich. He speaks the Habsburg talking point of Pan Europa, but the Habsburgs are in the cream of Indochinese finance, and the gem of all of this is their trading client of 2.5 billion Africans by 2030 AD in the year of our Lord.
Europe does not need China and is in process ridding Africa of China colonialism. Europe will not need Mideast oil, but will suckle Russian pipelines until North African energy supplies all of Europe. The major point in this is Europe does not need the United States, and is liberating herself from American domination in finance and military power. Europe has set the stage under the Habsburgs to rule the world. Thee only expanding population on earth with resources is  the Negroid. China is facing a population implosion with zero resources as is the cancer of India. European technology, Indochinese ports for Asia, and manufacturing in Africa, are the workings of this global empire.

The Lame Cherry will repeat to all of you as a stern reminder that this blog exclusively warned all of you, that when Obama dumped 1 trillion US dollars to the 3rd world, and then another 2 trillion to European banking, that this Reich was what was being built. Few cared and most forgot that warning, that it was your money which was  funding this risen beast. You remember Birther Hussein in Berlin in 2008, setting up global dope trade for the Europeans and using al Qaeda as dope runners for the European banks, as Obama ran terrorists out of 1600 Penn Avenue, where all of this started. It is now alive and about to take possession of the world as Donald Trump is too weak to be the President Americans need, as the epicenter now revolves around the axis of Vladimir Putin and Sebastian Kurz.

I do not believe that this Son of the Danube in Sebastian Kurz that he will give up power to the Habsburgs, any more than Adolf Hitler allowed them to regain their rightful place in leading central Europe. George Washingtons are one person events by God's Grace and superior leaders are not inclined to relinquish power.

So you may blame your trusted sources for diverting your attention in not pointing out to you the real powers out there, but you can blame yourself for not listening to the poor orphan girl providing you this information by God's Grace.

You thought you knew it all, but your all was not much by your revelator's ignorance.
