Friday, December 28, 2018

Bre Payton

HORRIFIC: Conservative Writer at The Federalist, Bre Payton, 26, Suddenly Passes Away — Diagnosed With H1N1 Flu and Possibly Meningitis


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Bre Payton is dead.

My condolences go out to her family. They are though with the question of what this blog has been reporting on since TL and I have gone through 5 bouts of Mexican Flu since September.

Remember that there was an odd fly killing children like polio which had the CDC perplexed This is on the heel of another Lame Cherry expose' which focused on a plague in America, about the time that Birther Hussein started pouring in his illegals, a flu which seemed like a flu, and the next thing adults knew they were in the hospital, on life support and dead. I received a personal account of this from a professional whose son in law died of this.

Now Bre Payton is dead. Her editor at the Federalist said she was happy and alive the last time they saw her.
Her last post on Twitter was December 26th, heralding another career move into television. Now two days later she is dead from a flu which morphed into brain swelling which killed her.

Dec 26
If you tune in to RIGHT NOW you can watch me host “Tipping Point” for .

Ms. Payton worked in Washington DC. Died in San Diego which indicates she flew out of DC sometime before Christmas in a probable non  stop flight from DC to Los Angeles and somewhere along the way someone infested with a strain of plague she was not immune to after 26 years, where she was exposed to all sorts of viral agents in California, DC and college growing up, but somehow this plague infected her now.

Was it her foreign cab driver? Was it the foreign luggage handler? Was it the foreign food service providers? Just who was it that had this plague and for them it was only a snotty nose, but to Bre Payton it was a death sentence?

Logic would point to Jerry Brown's California which is overrun with illegals, but then again the jobs listed above all qualify for John Kelly's Visa Vermin work permits, so just where did this documented foreign worker come from which was a host to a plague virus to a young American woman/

I have posted on here the absolute filth these Mexican children are. I have watched teenagers pick and roll boogers as they toss them on the floor. I have watched these children drool on toys. I have watched numbers of them roll around on the floor like mops rags as that is their preferred public home

For those who think this is a reach.  The entire cape buffalo herds of Africa were wiped out by English imported cattle with disease. America had various old world plagues started in livestock and people from contaminated foreigners. Typhoid Mary is a prime example.

It is illegal to import an animal into America without quarantine of weeks. Yet without any screening 1.5 million Visa Vermin were allowed in each year that Donald Trump was President. The President can make statements about cop killers by illegals, but when is the fact going to be mentioned in his Border Wall that his foreign workers are murdering Americans by the germs these vermin carry. They are immune to them. Bre Payton is not immune.
To a vermin it is the sniffles. To an American it is death sentence

President Trump Draws Attention to California Police Officer Ronil Singh — a Legal Immigrant — Who was Just Murdered by an Illegal Alien During a Traffic Stop: ‘Build the Wall!’

That is what the Chamber of Commerce  is worth. Their slave labor and it is signed off by Homeland. The current Director can tour the border due to a  dead Mexican kid whose parent would not seek medical help, but what about Bre Payton whose live was stolen from her as certain as if an illegal picked up a gun and shot her.

The dead in America from these new strains of virus are dead, because commerce and government signed off on this. No one says a word about any of this. The fact is though Bre Payton had a murderer and that murderer is still out there. They came into the United States carrying a deadly plague for which she was not immune.
That is murder and it is all legalized by the United States Government and the states which protect and host these plague carriers in mass.

Once upon a time in America, America would not let in Germans who had pink eye. In the 1800's they shipped them back to Europe. Think about that kind of protection, and now the Chamber of Commerce can not dump them into American communities fast enough to milk cows in the milk they spit in, the spinach they use for toilet paper and the toys your children touch in the store that some snot nose Visa worker has been chewing on.

What about Bre Payton.

Nuff Said
