Friday, December 28, 2018

Donald Trump will you just Shut Up and LEAD

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump was elected on MAGA. MAGA was killed by the Rhino Elite in Congress and by Rhino Vice President Mike Pence.  The United States is now in economic stagnation recession and is on the threshold of the Obama Super Depression Part Trois.

You have a problem Mr. President.

Air Force command in Europe: Trump's MAGA hat signings for troops don't violate regulations

Your problem is Mr. President is your enemies do not fear you, because the law protects them and criminalized you.

Once again this President goes Twitter Rage, in shutting down a government which is not a shut down as 70% of this toxic debt regime is still draining America.

All Donald Trump can do is threaten in slow progression. Government Shut Down, and then threatening about shutting down the border, then threatening shutting down NAFTA II. This blog advocates that Donald Trump become Teddy Roosevelt and shut up and take that big stick and lead.

The policy is simple for border security. First, Donald Trump orders that Americans have free access to cross into Canada and Mexico again without passports. Second, it is time to end this border security question at it's reality and that is the United States move military operations into Canada and Mexico  as they are still funded.
America annexes all of it's heritage territory in Canada from Ontario to Alaska, liberates the Free French and takes possession of thee American Great Lakes to rescue Canada from that faggot Justin Trudeau.

Second, Donald Trump acquires all of Greater Texas beyond the Rio Grande to secure the Mexican frontier. All of this territory moves to American settlement of homesteads.

This will create an economic oil boom in Canada and an economic trade boom in Mexico as industry does not have to return to the United States as the United States simply takes back Greater Texas.

So Donald Trump, attempt being President for the first time and solve the problem at the core and the root. You do not need NAFTA when this is American land.  You do not need a border wall when you arm Americans on their new farms and ranches, and  back them with the US  military.
Follow the example of Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War, where you have the powers and authority during this civil unrest to arrest all of your enemies, confiscate all they have, and put them into oblivion from those attacking you on Twitter, to those in the media, to those in politics, to those on the  Supreme Court to those on witch hunts.

Try leading sometime Mr. President. Andrew Jackson threatened war. Abraham Lincoln made war.

Theodore Roosevelt rightly stated that there never should have been a British Empire 48th Parallel as it violated the Monroe Doctrine and historical fact is that north Mexico always was Texas lands.

 Mr. President when they offer you a crumb, you take their goddamn cake and their house and then you piss in their toilet. America did not happen by Twitter in 1776 AD in the year of our Lord. Start leading as that is what you were elected for.

President Trump warned Friday that if Democrats do not agree to his demands to fund a wall on the southern border, he will “close the Southern border entirely” and cut aid to Central American countries -- while pulling back on trade with Mexico.
“We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with,” he tweeted Friday morning. “Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve!”
