Monday, December 10, 2018

The Balkan Fortress Trump

 Mit dem Balkan trumpfe ich

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I feel sometimes that I desire to reach  through your screens and shake the majority of asstards which you are, as you are so Trump sex crazed, all you will read is the Mockingbird diversions, and you are blindly missing the most beautiful political ascension in history. If he is the one, Prophets, Popes, Presidents and perhaps even Angels  and demons have longed to know him, and to reason his being, as besides Christ, this illuminated one is the most prominent person in the Bible.

I know something is taking place and I have been placed here to warn those whose minds are not blind and their hearts are not seared, because last year when our dear friend Butch passed away unexpectedly, a plethora of his volumes began appearing on the shelves, and I would sniff for them as he was a smoker, and with each one of his masterpieces, I have featured here, there has been a common thread of explaining the Germanic World War II experience, and the Mein Kampf, my struggle for their governance of Europe.

It is stunning to read  of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria and leader of the European Super State, because time and again TL and I read of his diplomatic successes and ventures, and wonder what his moves are all about, and then in one of our German books from Butch, there pops up the very nations which the Federal Chancellor is engaged with, and  the reason they pop up, is because Adolf Hitler had a nightmare in these areas which  thwarted his European Union by Panzer. Sebastian Kurz is involved in these areas, and making the Kurz Union of pen and paper.

The difference in the genius of Sebastian Kurz and Adolf Hitler is der Fuhrer created his European Super State with Panzer and it failed, while the Chancellor has created his Super State with pen and paper, and no one has noticed it has been born in the nativity of the womb of Europe.

- Lame Cherry

The Kurz schooling in his Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter is the Balkans, and from the start of the Chancellorship, Herr Kurz has been focused upon this region which George Soros fragmented and Bill Clinton blew up for Islam against Christian Serbs.
Adolf Hitler invested a great deal of diplomatic effort in this region, as he had the British in Greece, the Italians in Bulgaria and Albania, and the Russians in Romania. This is the region where great conflicts of history and world wars have been waged and begun. For the centric Americans, they do not see what this region means, but Sebastian Kurz does and when he first moved to the South Tirol on the Italian border, he was revisiting the Hitler Doctrine of the German Diaspora. Hitler ceded this to Italy as it would have cost too many German Wehrmacht lives. Kurz with the stroke of a pen, gave these Germans dual Austrian citizenship from Italy and moved on.

This Chancellor is a bridge builder to somewhere specific and his grasp of history in Europe is accomplished. The reason Hitler moved to have Romania in his Triparte Pact was to neutralize Russia. Bulgaria neutralized Italy. Greece neutralized England, and the reason Sebastian Kurz is in Yugoslavia or the Balkans in bringing them into the European Order is as immense as world war.

EU to Become Complete After Accession of Western Balkan ...

VIENNA (Sputnik) - The European Union will become a "complete" bloc only after the Western Balkan states join the union, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has stated. "We have strong historical, economic, political, cultural and human ties. We think that the European Union is only complete when ...

The Balkans are the pinnacle of warning signs for no army to ever attack  them, as they are the mountain fastness of Europe in being a kill zone. Ever since the Romans marched in and did not march out, no military has ever ventured to that reason for a full fight. Instead Adolf Hitler brilliantly constructed staging areas after the disaster of the Italian el duce Mussolini invaded Greece and was checked there.
In this the reason a Germanic on the move desires Montenegro is that land is the jumping off place to Greece. The reason a Germanic desires Greece is the Ionian fastness of sea bases. The reason a Germanic wants Yugoslavia is for military land bases.

When Adolf Hitler moved to secure his southern flank, he was able to have the royal family of Yugoslavia sign a pact. To this the Serbians revolted, threw out the monarchy and caused major diplomatic and military problems for which Adolf Hitler  had to crush the Serbs and the Balkans.
In contrast, the first issue Sebastian Kurz undertook in the Balkans was to reach agreement with the Serbians and bring them into the Kurz fold. The Chancellor did not repeat the mistakes of history and peacefully solved issues which Adolf Hitler was diverted by.

In the greater Eurasian stratagem, one has to view the Balkans from the time of Alexander the Great, the invincible Macedonian who conquered the world for the Greeks. Sebastian Kurz has been placating the Christian Serbs who are Russian clients. See instead of like the Americans  making Serbians war criminals and bombing the hell out of them for Muslims to steal Serbian frontiers, the Chancellor brought Serbia to Austrian alliance without upsetting Moscow.
In direct conflict though, Sebastian Kurz took on the Turks in Erdogan who was moving again in Muslim enterprise into the Balkans with funding bribes. This is all historical as Moscow and Ankara both fought for control of this eastern European area. The Turks took their best Gennesarian Soldiers from the Slavs in the Balkans. Literally the power that controls the Balkans, controls the Mediterranean and it is either an open door to invasion for Alexander the Great to Asia or it is an open door for the Sultan to rape Europe.
Hitler moved to secure this region of mountain fastness for Germany. Sebastian Kurz has secured  that area without anyone noticing for the Austrian Germanic Slav Union of the Super State.

The only reason anyone moves to secure this region is for future offensive military operations. This is not for security alone.
By securing the Balkans swiftly and securely, the Chancellor has an open door to Italy and Greece, the southern powers, which provide the beach heads into the Roman African Territories begun at Carthage. The Balkans secure Europe from the Obama invasion of rape cock Muslims first and in future tense, apply to a European military to move to the traditional colonial points of Spanish Morocco, French Algeria and Italian Libya and Somalia. With the English no longer based in Africa as Napoleon and Hitler faced, this will bring Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia as jewels in the Viennese crown of oil and natural gas.

The Balkans open the land bridge of Egypt to the Mideast. The Balkans open  the sea lanes to Tel Aviv to the Mideast, and as the Chancellor has positioned himself as Lord Protector of the Jew, that opens up annexation of Jerusalem in a European Union equal to Alexanders stretching to India, in the Austrian's new ally of the Ayrans of Iran.
Understand that to move east, the Germanic and the Slav can not go through Turkey as it is a mountain fortress of terror. On the flank would always be the Russian hordes who have not yet died out through low birth rates. Security Romania only produces the front line which the Fortress Balkans holds for the European Super State. The real  avenue for the Mideast is through North Africa and Egypt, and again the first moves the  Chancellor made was reaching accord with the Egyptian leaders.


I intend if I remember to touch on the brilliance of Sebastian Kurz in offering up Poland to President Donald Trump as the Poles in sucking liquid natural gas from Americans, have coyly moved to save their young men in war with Russia by inviting America to build a military base next to Russian Kaliningrad on the Polish border.
If Russia comes, she will be spent in Ukraine and Poland, leaving the Germanic's out of NATO at peace, because the last thing Moscow would desire is for Sebastian Kurz on their southern flanks from Romania to the Caspian to open a two front war against Vladimir Putin. It would serve the Germanics for the Americans and Russians to scorch the Baltic Poles in expending their war there and in Alaska, as it would be good for European trade, as why would Russia attack the Germans with all that Russian natural gas flowing  to Europe, bringing revenues to Moscow.

Did La'me Cherry mention how brilliant the Federal Chancellor is? Why she most certainly did, and now even the asstards of you, can comprehend the strategic accomplishments of Sebastian Kurz in being the Bismark of this age and you will never see another like this child of the Danube ever again, as he has so out distanced the Donald Trump entourage, while the Chancellor has brought London and Paris to bay, and has Berlin barking at Washington with full financial and military bite.

I would that you simple children and brats could understand the Chancellor in all his beauty and wisdom, as he far outstrips the Twitter tantrums of Donald Trump, as Sebastian Kurz is a master of this race as he has almost finished the contest before anyone has begun to notice his moves.
The anyone would be this blog alone in providing the information as God has so rightly hidden this one in the midst of the sea.

I hope to continue on in this in other areas of Sebastian Kurz brilliance. I also hope the rich begin to donate generously so this now orphan girl does not disappear, as this blog is the voice in the wilderness and it is being censored and targeted. You were just provided a PHD dissertation explaining to you while your lives are all on the line as war is coming. The Federal Chancellor is moving to protect his peoples while the Americans are over exposed, being made targets and soon will be driven back to their ocean fortress for the world to gather against.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The Balkan Gate


