Monday, December 10, 2018

Donald Trump's Tinsel Tree General

I'm a certified hero twice made


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I happened upon Donald Trump's new Joint Chief of Staff and something made me immediately dislike this individual and that was his askew CIB.
I will do some code talk here as most of you have no idea what I am talking about until I explain it as you are not military. The CIB is the Combat Infantry Badge. I happen to have one on my wall. The only way you are supposed to ever get one as General Patton explained that HE COULD NEVER RECEIVE ONE as this medal was for enlisted men who Franklin Roosevelt was slaughtering all over the world and it was thought the fodder should have something for the trade of their lives.
You are supposed to only receive a CIB if you meet the enemy on the field of combat in infantry. That means you see the enemy you are killing you as they are attempting to kill you.

That is why it is a coveted medal and all the pretenders want one. The pretenders even created a fake one for disassembling rifle fast or some other bullshit. What was once an infantry badge has been degraded to them being handed out to officers and special forces as having skull and crossbones on your chest is not enough to get women to spread their legs over apparently.

Combat Infantryman Badge - Wikipedia

The Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB) is a United States Army military award.The badge is awarded to infantrymen and Special Forces soldiers in the rank of colonel and below, who fought in active ground combat while assigned as members of either an Infantry, Ranger or Special Forces unit, of brigade size or smaller, any time after 6 December 1941.

The story said this Mark Miley was decorated a great deal. Yes with "let someone else die citations". I did find he was awarded the Bronze Star four times, the problem is he was never wounded and if you look where this officer was hiding, he never was in any battles.
You can not get four Bronze Stars in combat and still be living if you are genuine!

Operational deployments

Milley has had multiple operational deployments including:

What is my pet though is the CIB, and that is when I really found something which made me think of John Kerry self inflicted rice up the ass Purple Heart, and that was that General Miley just does not have one CIB, but he has two.
Seriously how small cock do you have to be to fucking pin two CIB's on your chest in a disrespectful angle.

From enough of the bullshit above, I know what Donald Trump picked, and this is something that I never would have picked as nothing is worse in combat than trigger niggers hanging back to get white boys killed or these brass asses coming up with great plans to pin another medal on them on the blood and limbs of some deluded kid who believes all that patriotic shit, until they have survived enough of that shit to know what the military is.

Enough of this festive expletives as Donald Trump got himself a walking Christmas tree with ornaments for Christmas and it is named Mark Miley. Maybe he can get a third CIB and bounce Ivanka on his knee for his next deployment.

Nuff Said 
