Sunday, December 9, 2018

Vienna's Political Annexation of Germany Begins

Angela, es ist Zeit für dich zu gehen, denn Sebastian ist Europas Zukunft

Time to leave Angela as Sebastian puts old Frau Cows out to Pasture

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a remarkable achievement, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has weakened, marginalized and removed the leaders of the three most powerful European states in May of England, Macron of France and Merkel of Germany. The latest being Merkel being ousted as the head of her own political party.

AKK has been portrayed as a mini-Merkel. But she is much more of a traditional CDU politician than the chancellor. A Catholic, she joined the party in her late teens and worked her way up through local and regional politics to become premier of Saarland, in Germany’s far west. She is socially conservative, opposed to gay marriage, and has taken a tougher line than Merkel on migration — the issue that has become a lightning rod for the chancellor’s critics.
She also advocates bringing back military service as part of a plan for young people to spend a year working for the benefit of society.

The Germans now liberated from the half breed Merkel of East German Russian heritage will now begin the march to the right again and with the strong leadership of Sebastian Kurz in National Socialism to heal the schism which Europe has become, the time is fast approaching for a Federal Union of the central European states, led by Chancellor Kurz.

Congratulations to Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer @_A_K_K_ on her election as the new chairman of the @CDU. I look forward to a good cooperation! Angela Merkel has decisively shaped and led the CDU over the past 18 years.

Kurz allies and compatriots are now at the helm of the progressing nations of Europe. It is time for the Motherland of Austria and the Fatherland of German join with the traditional other European states of this nexis to form the Super State which Herr Kurz has patiently crafted this past year.

Congratulations, @ Paul Ziemiak!

The Congratulations go to Sebastian Kurz, as he has removed the greatest detriments to Europe's future. The question now arises will the Chancellor decide that it is time for the Americans to have a new leader, as President Trump did not pay the Austrian due respect when Sebastian Kurz offered Vienna as the meeting place for the Putin Trump Summit.

Name one other leader who has toppled three leaders in the past year.
