Monday, December 10, 2018

Mother Of All Santas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am trying as an orphan to have a Merry Christmas. I was sort of excited today as I talked myself into getting this dead person's Santa fom the thrift store, and then some bitchy clerk at the beer store snapped at me for reasons I have no idea of in what her hatred was, so I was melancholy again  on the drive home as TL did the TL best to serenade me with Christmas carols and I was singing the end words of the stanzas in our duet.

This is the Mother of all Santa's though, Kind of creeps me out and the Puntz did not know what the hell to make of him either. Oh yeah that is the Mother Cherry house for real. Behind that door is Mother Cherry's bedroom before she died. The place where I did CPR on my dad when he died in bed.
To the left is Richard and Stephanie's stove and to the right are the Cherry graduation pictures.

I want to put MOS on the front door but he was too big as he is a whopper. I thought about the mail box, but the wind would have probably shredded him like a palm in a hurricane. So he gets to hang on the dead parents door, the property of another dead woman I suppose.........hell it might have even been one of our family friends as a bunch of people have died around here like flies in a dairy barn pesticide control.


If you let me check if you are a real red head, I'll let you check him
Ann if his wood for you is as big as me....


Man that Santa reminds me of that creepy ventriloquist's dummy, the one with Anthony Hopkins where he nailed Ann Margaret, and this dummy kept murdering people or something. I never saw the whole movie, only the creepy ending, but Anthony Hopkins is good in about anything he does, except playing Adolf Hitler.

Well this is Christmasy, bitchy clerk making me sad, some dead gals Santa I brought home to love, the MOS who reminds me of a creepy horror movie and dead parents, both who died around me. You know I am feeling better all the time in writing this as I am smiling now as who in the hell could have a shitter life like this, but some character in a Dicken's novel, but La'me Cherry is real and live, and I might as well laugh about all this, as you know the cherry on top? Rich people actually want me to beg for money from them instead of just giving it.

Yes all this bad stuff for the day like a predator killed my prize rose comb Sumatra rooter I was planning on starting an entire flock on, if rich people had donated and we had our place, but just another thing dead. Today the chicken, a few days ago a duck, and a few weeks ago it was mom. Now that is a real trifecta of it's a wonderful life.

Seriously I am not that bummed as all kinds of other bad shit happened the past few days, but you probably don't know this, but bad is happening to thousands of other people, and I am not unique. We are all fellow travelers in this of tears as Jesus carries us on.

Oh as these dead people ornaments are cheap for some reason, TL got this angel bear and this mini Santa. The Puntz likes the mini Santa. Scared as hell of my slippers, but that Santa and her are both top of the couch behind me. Apparently dead people things don't scare the Puntz one bit.....well my slippers are dead guy slipper as they are comfortable and big, and she has no bluff in them, but Christmas dead woman stuff is ok in her book.

I know of around 40 families by Christmas who will have empty chairs from their dead ones the past weeks here. That is a allot of intrusion on the best time of the year. My neighbor stopped and talked to us as we were going home and told us he was going to be 85 years old tomorrow, a big wing ding for him for his family at the resort he was saying. I think all his kids will be home for Christmas which will be nice for him.

We got MOS though. I wonder if the neighbor saw MOS sitting beside us, as he is big as a person. Never said anything, but who doesn't drive around with a big ass Santa in their pick up eh?

Well that is what I wanted to share in not being all gloom and anti Christ stuff in the Mother of all Santa's. He is up high enough so the Puntz can not piss on him. She did though try clawing on the door to get closer.

I have to go now and check what the hell that creepy movie is with Ann Margaret, as TL has on I think some Niggermas music, sung by some white kid who wants to be Stevie Wonder.

To those with shit lives, I care and TL cares, so you are not alone as God cares too. Just know that you are probably not dressed head to toe in dead chic clothes and have a creepy big Santa that some woman just died and the kids did not want it coming to life and terrorizing them like Ann Margaret was in that Anthony Hopkins movie. It all gets better as people are shitty, but life has some good people and good moments in it, and then as an orphan I get to hang the Mother of all Santa's to guard the door of the dead.

Oh my brother just messaged as I sent him that picture and he was laughing wondering where I go Santa from. See everyone wants a creepy Santa once I have one.

Merry Christmas.
