Sunday, December 9, 2018

If at first you don't succeed, Trump, Trump Again

It is best this way as a President should be picked without an election.

President Mike Pence 


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Hard-Charging Pence Chief-of-Staff Nick Ayers Poised to Replace John Kelly

Did you ever consider that maybe Donald John Trump is dirtier than a cock that has been up a crackwhore's twat?

Look at the evidence as in push came to shove, John Obama Voter Kelly, got shoved out the door and who is left standing but Mike Pence, with Jarvanka hiding in the closet hoping Uncle Mike doesn't summon the coeds to come out and rub his balls for luck.

John Kelly destroyed the innocent Roy Moore. Kelly has wiped out everyone, and yet who is  the one person Kelly got the Cassius treatment from? Mike Pence. So who does that say Pence really works for?

Remember how this all began in Donald Trump was in a neck and neck race with Ted Cruz, and immediately Mike Pence wipes Cruz out in Indiana, hands Trump the nomination in one day, after Paul Manafort gave Pence the nod.......and remember that Donald Trump did not want that guy on the ticket, but Pence leaked he was the choice, so Trump was stuck with the Indiana Mafia boss from Bush fam.
Again Pence got away with it and Trump came to heel.

Remember Trump Trans. Remember how every loyalist and Christian was holocausted, and who remained, but two factions in the Jews of Jarvanka and Mike Pence's Mafia? Look at the people who are in the White House now and you got nothing but DIA, the Jews are DOA, and over half the population are Mike Pence picks.

Pence's Chief of Staff is now going to be the Donalds. The story on Ayers is Trump was livid  that Pence picked a #NeverTrumper, and Pence had to hold the jet on the runway as he talked Donald Trump down and told Trump that Ayers was a good guy.
Amazing isn't it how many people who hate Donald Trump are Pence good guys and are now running the White House.

So I ask you to think about it, in what the hell is going on here in this Pence coup which is as obvious as a VD scab on a cock, why would Donald Trump keep all this Pence intrigue around, unless Donald Trump was not taking orders from someone, and it looks like the DIA Donald is no longer the Pentajew guy, but is now a Bush league man, in prancing around at HW's funeral as W reaches across the Trump's to fondle Michelle Obama as image Obama got off on it.

Donald Trump has changed from 2016. Donald Trump just allowed the GOP to throw the 2016 elections and destroy Conservatives. Donald Trump as even Tucker Carlson now is venting has not kept any of his promises. Carlson being a Bush Romney man.

That all looks like the Bush Romney claque is positioning a takeover, and Mike Pence is the guy. It looks like a deal has been worked out, that Donald Trump gets 2020 stolen for him, gets a GOP whatever elected on Bushisms, and perhaps retires early as Mike Pence , Jerry Ford protects Trump with a pardon........and puts Jeb Bush on the ticket.

That all looks like Donald Trump is dirty dick, that the deep state backing Pence has the dirt on Trump, and has now leveraged the DIA out of the picture. That is a real kind of power, as Mike Flynn was DIA and Pence removed him, and Flynn cooperated with Robert Mueller.

Nick Ayers as Chief of Staff is not Trump's but Pence's Chief of Staff. John Kelly was acting President for the DIA, and Mike Pence just booted his ass out. That translates that Mike Pence is now the acting President of the United States.

We are looking at William Barr now at Justice answering to the same people who have been backing Mike Pence. This entire Trump team is the cabal which has replaced the junta. You have been watching the Pence coup which began with his stealing the Vice Presidency, as Pence worked against Trump in Congress with Ryan and McConnell to kill MAGA, and now Mike Pence is the acting President, exactly as Joe Biden was acting President when Obama left the building in June 2013.

None of this can be denied. Donald Trump is a figurehead, and the acting President in Junta Kelly has just been Cassius knifed by Cabal Pence.

Nuff Said
