Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Son of the Danube

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It would seem that in the stupor of the post Universal religion Christ  mass that this is the time for this blog to no longer hint, but reveal the the greatest story of the end times.

I begin this with Rayelan of Rumor Mill News, who was a delightful guest on the Rense program long ago, in retelling her tales of her husband Gunther in the things he saw and did.
Gunther once related the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl was summoned to President Kurt Waldheim's office in Austria and sat there like a schoolboy in the era of Ronald Reagan, and that of course made not any sense as what was Austria, and yet what is Austria that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has moved Europe to become a Super State and no one in Europe, Russia or the United States has dared touch this illuminated leader.

The great leader has arisen, annexed Africa, while President Donald Trump has not even begun the game which Sebastian Kurz has completed and won.


Sebastian Kurz annexes the African Client State

Who is the Son of the Danube in Sebastian Kurz? He is the regeneration of the Austrian Hungarian Dynasty of the Holy Roman  Empire. He represents that light of the Habsburg Dynasty which ruled the world. There is a mystery in this in the Habsburgs had everything stolen from them in 1918 after World War I, and did nothing but bide their time for 100 years, and then this order began moving and nothing has stood in their way, from Macron of France, Merkel of Germany and May of England. Donald Trump was not intuitive enough to recognize America was to be replaced by central Europe which is a shame  as Melania Trump is a daughter of the Empire from the Slovenians of the Blakans.

There are too many details in this to fill space here, as why Sebastian Kurz was chosen, but he was the perfect candidate in a socialist to overtake the Austrian Right and represent the Libertarian Habsburg movement for their restoration to monarchy in Europe, along with all of their lands and finances.

It is strange that the Ashkenaz Rothschlds who already have looted all the wealth would not withstand the Habsburg's move, but the Habsburgs have quietly moved and Sebastian Kurz  has forwarded the agenda.

America has been asleep, while the greatest transference of power has been completed since the Christians drove the Muslims from Europe. It was in this same region of the Danube where the soul of Europe was liberated by Christians in driving out Muslims for the establishment of the European Order of the Holy Roman Empire.


The Danube is gorgeous and the  region is one of the most beautiful on earth. Where else would a creature state arise to rule the world, except in this  mountain fortress of forever valleys.

At it's headwaters are the confession of Christian Reformation in Augsburg. Munich is within reach as the Danube flows to the greatest capitals of European antiquity. Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade and Bucharest all arose from the Danube's shores to create kingdoms of serenity and martial force which the world contended over.

The Danube is the  Valley of Empire.

It is here that the son of Otto, Karl progresses his family heritage in the order of Europe, for the future of his son, the coming Emperor of Europe.

Karl Habsburg was from a large family in Otto was a family man who invested greatly in the security of his children.

It was from this brood of 1925 of the last of the empire, rose the families which are Central Europe.

 This is the focal point of the Kingdom of the Danube in Karl von Habsburg, the monarchy in waiting, who has rise Sebastian Kurz for the preeminent role for this family to restore to Europe, Africa and Asia the leadership which prospered her and made these continents great.  The Habsburgs inherited Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and  Rome, to form their Holy Order, an Empire like none other, welded together in Catholicism. This is their order, and as one can understand now in how presidents and prime ministers roll out of there way, that there is an order of power here which has lived for a century in seclusion and ready to blossom again upon the branch of Europe.

This is the last of dynasty of the end times. Adolf Hitler denied this family, but Sebastian Kurz has promoted every one of their policies successfully in the rise of Europe again.

You are looking at something which will never come again. The United States is being supplanted and the Empire will replace America and that former order. No one has written of this, save this blog, as this has all been hidden. This is the future in a bright and burning star which will engulf the world. This is the Kingdom of the Danube in the greatest vision of the revelation.

The Son of the Danube has come. In his wake, will come a tide which will change the world.

Nuff Said


