Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Grave Crawler

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Some people you just think, "Why don't you die already", and that comes to mind in Bob Barker of the Price is Right, when you see what he looks like now and about his new hobby, of not ruining women's lives, but crawling around on the grave of his wife.

When one sees how deteriorated he is, it seems fitting when he used to tell women he was going to drink booze out of their dirty shoes.

has survived two nasty falls (including one last June), two strokes, heart disease, recurring skin cancer, and prostate surgery

Before you go sympathetic on the geezer, just remember the women who survived being around Barker in numbers filed sexual harassment lawsuits.

Two of the worst victims were Dian Parkinson and Holly Holstrom. From what is posted online, Parkinson had to drop her lawsuit as she ran out of money. Barker apparently spent 8 million dollars in these suits. Holstrom though stuck to her guns for 10 years. Barker ruined her though financially in she had to sell everything and was living in her car, before she won.
You got to give this woman credit though in she could have gotten a bigger payday, but she refused to keep silent about the lawsuit. She now is living in Texas, not in her car, but in a home in beating Bob Barker in court.

Barker went nuts after his wife died. Before that he was just another talking head, but after that he went animal nutso in the fake animal rights movement. It got so bad in Barker's psychology of having no children, that he started advocating cutting out the sexual organs of animals in "compassion". Barker psychologically was transferring his human loss to other seemingly innocents, but when one considers what a letch he was young women, it is disturbing that he was calling for animals to be sterilized when he is the one who needed an aircraft carrier sized chill pill.

He was still after the blondes in the animal wacko movement at 86 though in after one of the skirts in the movement and posing for pictures.

Alas though the days of Bob Barker ruining women's lives is coming to a close. He no longer has young women under him to exploit and forcing them to ruin themselves in lawsuits. I remember the old sod calling Dian Parkinson a "bimbo". That is real class from a man whore still wearing his wedding ring in some delusion of honoring his dead wife.

What about all the innocent women that Bob Barker preyed upon, and what about the hundreds of thousands of animals who had their genitals cut off, because Bob was unsuccessfully trying to work out his own neurosis in public and pubic.

Bob Barker Out of Hospital Home for the Holidays

TMZ-Nov 21, 2018
Sources close to the ex-'Price is Right' host tells us Bob was released from Cedars-Sinai Monday -- a day after he was rushed to the ER, and is ...
