Monday, December 24, 2018

The Trump Doctrine of Scorched Strike

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the resignation under protest of DIA representative Mad Dong Mattis as Secretary of Defense, now moved up two months in Donald Trump firing him. we now have a reality of the coming undoing o the failed policy of occupation of George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.
The Lame Cherry will be blunt in this in the United States in Afghanistan was there to protect opium harvests for Obama European Jew bankers funding Muslim dope lords that Obama installed. Syria was nothing but an Obama and McCain money laundering operation stealing Syrian and Iraqi oil for kickbacks to Obama and McCain cronies, and the money again flowing into European Jewish banks.

That is not United States policy.

The Lame Cherry advocates that Donald Trump as President has before him the opportunity to end the Obama dope trade for Europe and the Bush occupation of foreign lands for their cronies, for the Global Hawk projection of power.
The President must state a simple policy that is the United States is attacked by terrorists or by any state, whether it involves one American, a 9 11 event  or a test rocket falling on Alaska, the United States will respond in kind with proper destruction of the offending powers, terrorist, terror state or war state in the use of neutron, plutonium or cobalt warheads.

The United States can no longer afford wars nor to be the world nanny with a bloody gun. A new order must arise as old as gunboat diplomacy. The United States must live within it's international means and make it too expensive for foreigners to harm or attack the United States.

No foreign intrigue, no foreign involvement, and the hanging of those Americans of finance and industry who persuade their politicians to violate George Washington's Mandate.

The United States should further deploy in areas of special frictions as in North and South Korea, neutron, cobalt and plutonium devices to economically protect those allies.

Vice President Richard Cheney's Global Hawk is thee modern diplomatic gun boat, deployable within hours. It should be the President's mandate to the Pentagon to develop Raider Corps, to replace the antiquated military, with hypersonic robotic sentries, drones and wetbots, backed fully by quick deployable heavy armaments to establish beach heads at any multiple locations across the globe to project US power, and by supply link these firebases to battle fronts in declarations of war.
The Pentagon Maxim must be Victory in 3 hours, 3 months and 3 weeks. Thee effective quick slaughter of terror bases or terror states is the prerequisite of the modern projection of power, leaving in that scorched earth the message that slaughtered nations are then spoiled by surrounding nations and disappear. Accomplish that diplomacy twice and the security of the United States will be secure.

Sam Cohen after 9 11 advocated to George W. Bush the use of neutron bombs which he invented to deal with the terrorists in Afghanistan. Sam Cohen was a prophet and has been proven correct in the trillions wasted and thousands of lives lost.

The Trump Doctrine must be the modern Monroe Doctrine for the projection of United States security.  Unless the People of the United States benefit personally financially from said actions and deployments in not only their taxes reduced, but eliminated and they begin receiving dividends, those actions of security are incomplete.

The US must project from it's own ocean fortress and from space. The era of land bases are as antiquated as the era of aircraft carriers as projections of power.

Nuff Said
