Tuesday, January 1, 2019

John Wayne's Advice On Women

John, dear John, don't you know that women without their
clothes always look different?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

See John, the dress comes off and I am 40 years younger.


and that many times more different.


Some men need booze to think a woman looks good, but for me
a woman loses her clothes and it is like I never knew her.

No what I am afraid of is your clothes might come off and you
are going to look different. I'm damn phobic about that!!!

John wouldn't it be something if a wind storm came up and my clothes came off.


Oh now let's not start that again!!!


You just stay dressed as that would be best.

I was just about to take my dress off but John was protesting.

I said you just keep your clothes on as.......damn you're lively!!!

You're kind of pretty dressed in long john and woolens.

I was telling John it is a proven scientific fact that women
look different without their clothes.


How did I get naked!!!


It was the whiskey!

Maybe it wouldn't hurt you to loosen a few buttons.

What do you mean?

Damn women, I tell them to keep their clothes on, and when I just say to 
undo one button, they run out a posse to lynch a man!
