Sunday, September 16, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh's Irresistable Force

Christine Blasey Ford
Brett Kavanaugh's and all men's weakness

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry finds this extremely difficult, but as a woman I must break with Liberty Daily on this in defending the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh in Christine Blasey Ford as by the above photo we can all sympathize that Christine Blasey Ford is a cock magnet and learned this lesson early at the hands of a very erect Brett Kavanaugh.
We all know if there was internet there would have been photographic evidence of this attack as Brett would have certainly bragged about this, in being overcome with lust for a cock magnet of this kind of power.

Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, an Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Professor Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations

The Lame Cherry though in defending Christine Blasey Ford AKA #TheCockMagnet, realizes something which has puzzled all of us for so long, and that is the fact that 9 11 happened in all that Muslim outrage in they could just sense Christine Blasey Ford in America, and not being able to purchase her for a harem of one were forced to outrage and attack the Twin Towers of the American penis in complete frustration.

We now know why the Mexicans are invading the United States. It is not for jobs like mowing John the hero McCain's lawn, but it is because they sense the nethers of Christine Blasey Ford and are risking all they are to find the scent of her trial.
Poor Molly Tibbetts, is but another example of this, in she was a victim of this, in what can Mexicans do all worked up by the thoughts of Christine Blasey Ford, and all those cow tits and vulvas before them, in needing release. When you have a Cock Magnet exuding such magnetism that even Brett Kavanaugh becomes engorged to animal instincts, you know that you are dealing with  a Darwin work of nature.

Yes, Bill Clinton in raping all of those women, that is Christine Blasey Ford, as the former President could feel this super nova of sexuality around Washington DC and it simply drove him into a frenzy.

Barack Hussein Obama? Yes even he in sensing Christine Blasey Ford, went gay as he simply knew he was never  going to be black enough for a woman like her.

I fear when Robert Mueller really gets to the heart of Russiagate, that the thing driving it all was this cock magnet of Christine Blasey Ford, who drove John Brennan insane, Peter Strzok crazy and yes, it can now be revealed why John the hero McCain committed suicide in it was Christine Blasey Ford, or his knowledge that she was out of his league which made John the hero McCain take that final step.

I am certain that in time we will discover that Christine Blasey Ford is responsible for all sorts of manmade and natural disasters. Men and women ruining their lives over such a cock magnet. Women like Debra Messing and Hillary Clinton realizing they can never measure up, and men in desperation losing all control of their morals as they simply have to have that woman, or worse still becoming gay in realizing they will never have Christine Blasey Ford.
Yes in the deep secrets of every homosexual there is Christine Blasey Ford, having made these lesser men part of the gay fraternity.

Could the Pentagon weaponize a weapon like Christine Blasey Ford. I am sure they could, but should not society protect itself from such a cock magnetrix as this? Is not Christine Blasey Ford like a narcotic, a Vulcan rutting season, an alcoholic beverage which makes people lose control? Of course it is not Christine Blasey Ford fault in this, as Helen of Troy, the Queen of Sheba, and Cleopatra were all such like women who drove the world to war and men to their destruction.

The Lame Cherry advocates that America pass laws to not let weak men and women within 500 meters of Christine Blasey Ford in order to save them from their own destructive lusts, as it is obvious how attractive this woman is. I must also note that we know what was making Donald Trump pussy grab women and paying prostitutes to pee, as it was he simply was losing control in knowing a woman like Christine Blasey Ford was out there, and all he could marry was Ivana, Marla and Melania, all women whose names end with an A and are quite grade A, but Donald Trump just wanted an E for Excellence.

So while the Lame Cherry must break with Liberty Daily in defense of CBF  and yes we must only refer to
Christine Blasey Ford from now only by her initials as she is that comely and the mere mention of her name will drive weak men and women into frenzy, the Lame Cherry desires that the people at Liberty Daily make certain to protect themselves with layers of straitjackets, steel locked doors, razor wire, electric fences, mine fields and yes, handcuffs, because honestly can any of us really trust ourselves now in knowing such a cock magnet exists in this world.


Sorry Farah, you never set off Muslim Terrorism or Mexican Invasion

I mean Brett Kavanaugh had a choice of going after Farah Fawcett or Christine Blasey Ford, and of course he chose this cock magnet, as proof of how cock magnetizing Christine Blasey Ford is. I suggest all of us to put a leash on ourselves with an emergency sign to others,

WARNING PULL IN CASE OF Christine Blasey Ford!!!!
DIAL 911 and if necessary wave photos of  Michelle Obama to break the spell.

I am a Bush Magnet, what can I say..........

Well it will work on all except George W.  Bush who simply can not get enough of this sweet chocolate.

Nuff Said


The American Welfare Queen

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the sake of the United States, the Lame Cherry is concerned by the lack of leadership in the Trump Junta. That fag Rick Perry of  DOE, is equal to the incompetence of Steve Mnuchkin who lives by sanctions for Wall Street.

Perry had this to say which reveals his absolute incompetence.

The U.S. supports the desire of European nations to minimize their dependence on Russia as a single energy supplier, and look forward to increasing LNG exports to the region, as announced by President Trump and EU President Juncker in June.”

First: Europe has zero interest in LPG from America. The Ports already there are NOT running close to capacity.

Second: Trump said America was going to build 11 more ports.

Third: The US is subsidizing Poland in Americans are being bankrupted for this LPG to Europe.

Secretary Perry told reporters “Yes to your first question and yes to your second.” However, sanctions are not where the U.S. and Russia want to go, the AP quoted Secretary Perry as saying.

What is most ridiculous in this is, the Europeans want cheap Russian energy, not American energy dumps. It is in the understanding of France and Italy to have control over those oil fields. Europe does not desire to be the whore of America or Russia in energy addiction. Russia is a more stable supply and Russia has available raw resources.
America's only attraction for Europe is their purchasing European items with debt.

The Kurz solution for this is Europe harnesses Slavic skilled labor, Chinese slave labor, accepts Russian cheap energy and resources, to produce goods to sell to America, without purchasing American. The key point in this, is the Iranian or off book billions, which is keeping Europe financially stable.

If one observes the reality of this, lost on the Trump Junta, is Europe wants an American market, as they need cash to purchase the Russia raw resources. America is the odd man out in this and what Trump has been engaged in, has only exasperated all of this with his blundering by John Kelly in alienating Sebastian Kurz and the Neo Socialists.

The correct American presentation would have been to deflate their energy prices at home, and inflate their prices in selling to China, moving for a China to give up coal, not buy American coal, but clean gas for their industry under global carbon regulations. The trade partnership should have been directly to Moscow in a balanced interchange.
Mr. Trump though has disrupted all of this though in his selling of energy to Europe and his continued importation of Visa Vermin to replace Americans. This is toxic economics and is why Eurasia has begun the move to isolate the United States, and in a few years they will have succeeded.
Europe is currently setting Super Bank as an Accounting Firm which would hide European exchanges from American oversight.

If you notice the Politico EU article, Iran in the nuclear deal is selling oil to Europe. Remember what Rick Perry was demanding in a dual source energy to Europe. Yes Iranian oil is not Russian gas, but it points to Europe is importing Iranian oil. In translation  in the Saddam Hussein deals with Europe, it is a given that Tehran is making immense bribery payments to Europe for this oil which is being exported.

Europe looks to thwart Trump's Iran sanctions - POLITICO

The EU's biggest economic powers are planning to create a "special purpose" financial company to thwart U.S. President Donald Trump's sanctions and help Iran to continue to sell oil in Europe. The move, by France, Germany and Britain, and supported by the EU, is likely to enrage Trump, who ...

What you have here is England which is being positioned to being the poor sister exporting to Europe, meaning reduced prices in England in this vassal Brexit that Theresa May is implementing has joined France and Germany, against the United States, because of those kickbacks.

Europe now has a federalized financial house which will transfer billions in wire e funds as a separate financial institution outside of US observation. "Money" in this is not going to be in US Dollars, meaning the US just had billions lost in US debt structure, and Europe has their currency expanded by billions in this trade.

Europe builds this, and everyone in this Eurasian trading cartel, will begin pouring money into this fund. This will be the beginning of the collapse of thee American debt structure, and with the massive debt which Donald Trump continues to create and the massive stagflation Trumpenomics has created in America by high energy pricing, is all due to this most incompetent policy which has been America for sixty years.

The only possibility in this will be war. The basic problem in this, is this is shaping up to be George Washington's Prophecy in it will be America against the world, or all the world arrayed against America. This is a collapsible structure in which the struts are being pulled and it is falling. It does not make any difference in this blog explained what should have been done, because now forces are moving which are moving beyond control. The events are overtaking the mistaken American policies.

America has been engaged in Energy Rape. The great policy was not meant to benefit Americans, but to gouge Americans into economic slavery by their bankers and conglomerates, who now haves stolen their oil and gas, and are attempting to dump it onto the world, while making the remnants of America to pay for it all, as thee Americans are being vanquished by these Trump Visa Vermin, bleeding the United States dry by sending money back to Muslim and Mexican lands. America has raped Americans and is attempting to sodomize Europe. The majority have zero interest in this, in this only is a rapine which benefits the feudal few.

Donald Trump had 18 months to fix this. Those 18 months are gone and America is out of time. Events will not follow upon events.

And what is Trump policy now in this house of cards? Why your American oil is supposed to in record production drain American supplies, as US prices are still 1 dollar too expensive, to make up for Greater Judea in replacing Iranian oil which Europe wants........and Europe does not want American oil.

Big Three oil states can offset fall in Iran supplies: Perry | Article [AMP]
Energy Secretary Rick Perry said on a visit to Moscow on Friday. U.S. sanctions on Iran's oil exports, which come into force in November, hav…

Europe's future is North African oil to fund their super state. Europe has no other choice as otherwise Europe will be subsidizing the American Welfare Queen of fag Rick Perry.



The Lion of Syria

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Syria poised to exterminate the last of the Obama McCain terrorists in Syria adjacent to Turkey, the Lame Cherry is moved to explain something in the photos of Syria, which is the reality beyond all the bogus propaganda being produced.

For Russia and Syria to be on the Turkish border, unleashing full fury air strikes on terrorists, means that Syria is in complete control of her skies. That includes the ground in no surface to air missiles have been allowed to be smuggled in. That means even with Turkey being an arms pipeline to al Qaeda, that border is sealed.

Observe President Assad. He is among his people, among his tank crews, people are excited and press to interact with their leader.

Observe below in President Assad is among his Army, and they are armed, and he is completely safe. This is the leader of Syria and the people of Syria are completely behind him.

The pictures do not lie. This is the political civilian leadership and the military. They are all backing President Assad and they are fighting to wipe out the terrorists in Syria. This is telling, because these are the Caucasian Syrians, and they are young men, healthy, happy and with full fighting vigor. The Syrian Army has not been worn down, but appears in every aspect to be surging forward as a greater cohesive unit.

The Syrian Army is progressive and determined. It incorporates quantities of female Soldiers who are most determined to take back their nation from Obama McCain terrorists.

These are not photo ops. These are real Syrians who know being photographed makes them a target, but they are willing to place everything they have into this fight for their Syria.

Considering that Syria has been under immense terrorist pressure from globalists begun under Birther Hussein, in having 500,000 Citizens murdered in civil war, with the reality that his fight has been years in the making, congratulations go out to President Vladimir Putin and President Bashir Assad, in the Syrian Army is not worn out. The uniforms are new, the equipment is new. It is being replaced, upgraded and some of the units equal the advanced units of any nation in hunter killer squads against terrorists.

New equipment in each offensive

The hunter killer squads.

Forces deployed in the field, still as sharp and crisp as the day they were deployed after fighting.


Syria was already one of the most well equipped military powers in the region, but again studying their artillery, the guns are new, and the ammo boxes are proof that old stores are being brought in from Russian supply lines.
There is not a shortage of anything for this army in Syria. They are well trained, capable and there are hammers and anvils being deployed to smash their enemies.

When one witnesses tanks in superb condition, it also translates that the Obama McCain terrorists have no IED material as plagued George W. Bush in Iraq, and not any anti tank missiles. Every aspect of this points to the reality that Syrians are on the move, and that these terrorists are cowardly rats hiding in bunkers. There never was any fight in these American trained terrorists in Jordan. The proof is the Syrian military is moving in formations and setting up artillery fire in fixed positions, meaning there is not any return fire from the terrorists.

In there are female reporters on scene completely safe. That again points to the Syrian military discipline, their success against the terrorists, as the women are at large reporting to the public, proving the Syrian Army is not guilty of any atrocities as in the Ivanka fake chem weapon bombings.


In the history of warfare, I have never witnessed this kind of upgrading of an entire army, the wonderful condition of the equipment, the cleanliness of the armaments and the Soldiers, with the renewed vigor that young men and women are taking up the fight with zeal, after this many years of war.

This is a remarkable achievement for Syria, and it is the coordinated logistics of Vladimir Putin and Bashir Assad.

Everything about Syria points to the most successful of governments in investing the additional resources which they have during a war into female Soldiers in training. The Americans had nothing of this sort in their Civil War. The Germans had nothing of this on the Russian Front in World War II. This is an amazing feat which the Syrian People should be rightly proud of.

None of this would have taken place in the fraud Obama McCain terrorist military, no more than the regimes America created in Iraq and Afghanistan which are in complete degradation. Syria has the support of the People, who are being led by President Assad, and Russia deserves full credit for the scenes of women and Christian fighters in complete safely in a secular Muslim land.
None of this would have taken place in the Obama McCain terror regimes. This is the face of the new Middle East if Syria has time to establish this people in liberty for themselves.


Nuff Said



I am better at hiring whores Hubert, but I will try honesty once.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly believe there is enough evidence in Kennedy past, present and future, that their last act of destroying Hillary Clinton for President for the Birther Hussein blackness, is but the same intrigue in election fraud from stealing the election from Richard Nixon in 1960, to Bobby Kennedy running a coup to bring down Lyndon Johnson and if he had survived, he would have sabotaged Vice President Hubert Humphrey, as the Kennedy Machine was helping set up Watergate so Bobby Kennedy would waltz into the White House.

As it happened, Teddy inherited that Watergate intrigue to bring down Nixon, to help him get over Chappaquiddick, and then Teddy proceeded to bring down Jimmy Carter.

In Edgar Berman's memoirs though of Vice President Humphrey there is a fascinating hidden story involving the Kennedy's and it is further evidence that the Machine was up to something and here is the tale.

Numerous times after Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, Hubert Humphrey had reached out to Senator Edward Kennedy to be his Vice President. Teddy played it always played it off and never gave Humphrey a straight answer.
It seemed the perfect solution. Playing on the dead Kennedy sympathy, bringing in the Kennedy voters and it was a certain reality that Humphrey would beat Nixon on a unified democratic ticket and Teddy would become the idea was even floated that Hubert Humphrey would be  a one term President just to get Teddy on board, making Edward Kennedy the next President by default.

Just to prove that more was going on with Teddy Kennedy than meets the eye is the reality that Sargent Shriver, married to Eunice Kennedy and presidential hopeful had phoned Humphrey from Paris numerous times in trying to get himself into the Vice Presidential slot. This is the interesting part as Teddy dispatched Ken O'Donnell, a Kennedy man and Humphrey friend, to make it cleverly clear  that if any vice presidential offering was in the future, it would be to a Kennedy and NOT a Kennedy in law.


Sorry  Arnold, the Shrivers are not Kennedy enough

Do you understand the depths of this?  Teddy Kennedy was not going to let his lesser brother in law be Vice President, pushing Teddy aside for Teddy's political aspirations, as Sargent Shriver would have thrown the Kennedy coming timeline based on Watergate completely off as it would be Humphrey who would be President and then probably Shriver for a  total of 16 years and by that time America would have had enough Kennedy's and Teddy would be on the way out.
The Shrivers were not Kennedy enough for Teddy Kennedy.

If Teddy Kennedy wanted Hubert Humphrey to win, an if Bobby Kennedy wanted Humphrey to win, Bobby would not have been smearing HHH and Teddy later would have for the democratic party accepted the vice presidential slot. The Kennedy's were working to stop Humphrey the way they did Lyndon Johnson and later Jimmy Carter.

An amusing event happened in association with this as Teddy was playing clever and cleverer, in Teddy invited Humphrey up to the Boston Common, as a cover for what was being planned. Teddy, Hubert and Mayor Kevin White rode in an open car through a Boston parade. The problem is the Bobby Kennedy terrorists were there in full force, ramped up still in the hatred of Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War. The entire parade route was filled with Bostonian hatred in they were flipping Humphrey off, had lewd signs and were screaming insults at Humphrey.

As Teddy tried to introduce Humphrey, the mob held behind barriers, was instead shouting Teddy down, booing him and throwing things at him. No Kennedy had ever been booed and Teddy was outraged.
Humphrey gave up trying to speak and left by car for the airport.

Teddy Kennedy was furious as was the Mayor. The Mayor though rode to the airport promising to deliverer Massachusetts to Humphrey which he did. Teddy was though gone like the wind.

So in 1968 the Kennedy's were certainly sabotaging their in laws from being Vice President and in the end the very hate that Bobby Kennedy unleashed on President Lyndon Johnson caught up to Teddy Kennedy in Boston and it was a Kennedy booed, shouted down and pelted.
That last part was fitting, but the more information which is noticed, it all points to a Kennedy coup that ruined innocent people in order to promote them.

What could be more fitting in Teddy Kennedy elevated Birther Hussein Obama, to only die of brain cancer and Obama would not even come to visit him, but more to the point Obama in the White House said nothing but reprehensible things about the Kennedy's and Carolyn was dismissed as hanger on.

That is Kennedytense.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
