Sunday, September 30, 2018

While you had your hand up Christine Blasey Ford's Skirt

I swear I have a hot wife with large comforting breasts
in the coming event of nuclear war raining down 
on the purple mountain majesty and amber waves of grain 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you probably missed it, Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke was in oil baron Pennsylvania, making some very provocative statements in stating the United States should blockade Russian oil shipments.

Zinke was very complete in his assessment, that without oil, Russia collapses, which reveals the need for European pipelines and how vulnerable Russia is. What Zinke has advocated is an act of war, and Russia has stated as such.

"The United States has that ability, with our Navy, to make sure the sea lanes are open, and, if necessary, to blockade… to make sure that their energy does not go to market," Zinke said.

"Russia is a one trick pony," Zinke said, stating that Russian economy depends solely on its ability to sell energy. "I believe the reason they are in the Middle East is they want to broker energy just like they do in Eastern Europe, the southern belly of Europe."
Answering the question on how the US should deal with Russia and Iran, Zinke said that "there are two ways."

"There is the military option, which I would rather not. And there is the economic option," he said. "The economic option on Iran and Russia is, more or less, leveraging and replacing fuels."

For those who are wondering what this is all about, the Lame Cherry will explain it all tomorrow, so all of you non donors who just went into Russian nuclear missile sights for a coming war, have a deserving bad time of it tonight, look for the answer in PEAK CHINA, as this blog will explain all of what is taking place.

Ryan Zinke is DIA, Defense Intelligence and was on a mission. This was a diversion, and a brilliant one coming from a low key United States official to get the Russians fixated.

As Interior Secretary I proclaim Lola's breasts
a national treasure and my private park.


Oh to have a listless night with all your money in your non donor pockets, under nuclear missile shrouds, and there locked away until morning the Lame Cherry answer to it all. What happens when the answers are not there any more and you have to sit in the dark being an asstard, because God does not reveal things to you which are so simply arrayed here.

II Kings 6

11 Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?
 12 And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.

Yes nuclear war is brewing and all you wanted to do is fondle professor.

Peak China

Congrats Mr. Secretary, she does have nice hoots!



Father Donald and the Two Dictators


Do not worry my child, as I only molest little boys.
I will sell you to someone though who will molest you. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump is no anti Christ, but he certainly is anti Christian as he remains silent as the lambs when it comes to Christians being vanquished in communist China.

This President though went out of his way  to praise dictator Xi in Mr. Trump's United Nations speech where Mr. Trump railed against Iranians, Venezuelans and Cubans. That is the reality of Donald Trump.

This blog is one of the few media sites which has continued to expose the terrorism against Christians in China. Churches there are destroyed, the Faithful terrorized and recently that false prophet the Pater Pope signed a Vatican deal with Peking which will wipe out Protestants in China, leaving only the Whore of Babylon riding the Peking state dragon for control of religion in China.

The Pope has a China dream, and burning Bibles won't get in ...

The Pope has a China dream, and burning Bibles won't get in the way. Rumour has it that Francis is about to switch the Vatican's allegiance from Taipei to Beijing - and he appears willing to ...

Yet absolute Twitter silence from Donald John and Marionette Melania over Chinese terrorism of Christians, while they praise the men behind it in dictator Xi and the Pater Pope.

President Ronald Reagan set the standard for human dignity, all human dignity, in his moral compass as a shining light in America, for all the world, which was unquestioned. He never would have accepted this wholesale obliteration of Christianity in China, and that is what is most troubling in the Mockingbird cage of John Kelly meets Donald Trump, in the propaganda of FOX never makes an issue of this in human rights. This is the foundation of America in religious freedom established by Christians, and the Trump White House is absolutely negligent in standing for the core beliefs of America's foundation.

A Protestant Christian heartbeat in China would end nuclear missiles pointed at Americans and end Chinese aggression all through Asia and the world. Christianity is in America's national interest, and yet not one word from the Trump  White House as two dictators in Xi and Francis just initiated a Protestant Holocaust in Asia.

Nuff Said


The Instant God

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater.

TL scolds me for being polite and I have a problem with patience in waiting on God till nothing happens. In the quest for our acres though the Holly Ghost today put a Bible verse before me which I have pondered all day at work, and then did a different translation study of this verse, and the word in the Word of God is instant.

Instant is not waiting 7 years for Rachel. Instant is an immediate result, and if one reads through the different translations, the word instant is precise and the Young's translation literally states from God, the moment I speak.

God is a LET THERE BE LIGHT, and there was light. Jesus was not howling outside Lazarus' grave for a week or rolling around in the dirt casting out demons from sunup to sundown. It was instant and that is a Faith builder which I have to focus upon and all of us must live on, in the same we need a next breath or a next heartbeat, and it is there, so the expectation is what we ask God for is done immediately when God Promises this.

I am not stating that things take time, as time. David was anointed King and it took years for him to be crowned King, but God is always working and progressing things forward.

Jeremiah the Prophet
Chapter 18 Verse 7

At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it;

Berean Study Bible
At any time I might announce that a nation or kingdom will be uprooted, torn down, and destroyed.
Christian Standard Bible
At one moment I might announce concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will uproot, tear down, and destroy it.

Douay-Rheims Bible
I will suddenly speak against a nation, and against a kingdom, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy it.

Young's Literal Translation
The moment I speak concerning a nation, And concerning a kingdom, To pluck up and to break down, and to destroy,

The word INSTANT is from the Hebrew, rega, which is defined as a moment. A moment is one moment, so the amplified translations are:

instant (1), instantly (2), moment (14), momentary* (1), suddenly (3), while (1).
 This is an action verb as a known. Instant is the focus of this for it is an event, but it is like all things God, in motion is involved, for while He is speaking, what is on His mind is manifesting, as in the creating of the world or raising the dead.

This is something which a Christian must gain as part of their speaking in things being accomplished and the reality that when God speaks, His commands are accomplished immediately.

That is why the disciples were stunned when Jesus cursed the unbarren fig tree, as it was dead the next day, and dried from the roots up.

 Jesus is the same Author and Completion of your Faith. He does things immediately and it is for us to not delay Him in doubting. This is not about whether you deserve things, or stupidly thinking God is busy. This is about the Attribute of God in He is instant. That is the Way He accomplishes things. There is not any procrastination in God.

satan of course is whispering to some of you something like, "Well that is God speaking and not you, so it won't work because you do not know how to get God to say nice things about you". I know this lie as in logic satan has spoken it at me.
The reality is though you have a entire Bible filled with God's Words. They are there, always active like yeast and to get your bread of life to raise, all you need to do is add the water of your repeating God's Words and Those Words go active, because God said them and once you confess Christ as your only Savior, you are God's and you have full Authority to use any verse or words in the Bible.
The same God Who states when you tithe that even if it is strong drink, that you consume it with thanksgiving before the Lord, is the same God Who will start bringing to you whatever small or large thing which you set your heart upon.
God has the universe, and it makes no difference to Him if you want a box of Snickers, as long as behave with them and enjoy them before Him, it does not matter.

Take all things before God, but study the Scripture, use search engines and find the verses which are the Authority for the things you desire, and remember the Instant God is behind this in His action Words.

That is the teaching today. You put your debit card in the ATM and you expect money. It is the same with God. Put your prayer into Him and expect the same results instantly as what you are asking for is manifesting in the Word of God.

Nuff Said


Whispers of 1968 in the New American Civil War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a continuing examination of the 1968 coup which took place in America by the deep state, as Americans were held hostage to the terror, we can see in the manifestation of the Soros Clinton Black Lives Matter terrorism of 2016 AD meant to sink Donald Trump.

The protesters were uneducated and stoned in the majority. They cared nothing about ending the war, but were engaged in pure anarchy meant to tear down the United States political system.

In Seattle, CBS Molotov Mob reporter, David Schumacher asked the protestor why he was heckling Humphrey as Humphrey was going the hippy's way.

"Man we don't care about where he's going or what he's done. We don't even cre about  the war. All we want to do is break up this fucking meeting!"

Led by the likes of Hollywood Hanoi Jane Fonda, they promised to tear down the democratic convention.

Tom Wicker and Anthony Lewis of the New York Times cheered the mob. Walter Cronkite, anchor of CBS news deliberately smeared the police in Chicago, when he stated the police would not let a legal driver continue on her way. Dr. Edgar Berman who was there stated this was a group of "college girls" who drove through a police barricade, crowded the police line with their car, and as the police tried to get them to move the car, 100 radicals appeared, started shoving the cops, and as the cameras recorded it all, the girls jumped out of the car, raised their clenched fists grinning and then drove off, with the police simply glad to see them gone.

The scene in Chicago was pure bohemian hedonism. These terrorists walked around naked, shit and piss all over the place literally, were all stoned, spit in the face of police, hit the police. had condoms stuffed with human shit that they hurled at the police and dropped constant showers of piss bottles from hotel rooms.
For those who think that Protest Wall Street was new or Trump 2016 anarchy, all of this came out of the Summer of Love, and was run by the CIA's people in MKULTRA which churned out Charlie Manson and had one well placed minder in Bill Ayers with the Weather Underground of Chicago who had black men raping Jew girls for fun.

At the California delegates caucus, the three candidates now in the race of communist George McGovern, communist Eugene McCarthy and Hubert Humphrey, led by speakers uch as new age Shirley McClain and Rams pro football player Rosie Greer, decided that Humphrey would only get 14 of their 174 votes.
McCarthy was screeching about the "idealist children of Grant Park" who were smearing literal shit all over Chicago or pissing on sofas in waiting rooms as no arrests were made, did absolutely nothing to stop the violence. In fact, McCarthy had the media announce he had set up a wounded treatment room for battered kids the police had beat up. When Humphrey sent Berman down to help, there was one kid laying in bed, the rest were drinking beer and another was putting on fake bandages. They became aggitated with Berman when he asked questions and the media never did correct that bogus story.
When it was over, McCarthy jetted off to France to recover and abandoned his hoodlums tha the had helped burn down America over, as his kids were the Bobby Kennedy brats now out of control.

The end of this fiasco was a photo of Humphrey nominated and kissing the television set which the media portrayed as Humphrey happy over the beating up of the children, when in effect it was Humphrey kissing his wife who was on the television screen in the auditorium
