Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Pater Pope in an anti Christ Media

Paloma Ovejero - Pater Pope - Greg Burke

7 hours ago
Paloma and I have resigned, effective Jan. 1. At this time of transition in Vatican communications, we think it’s best the Holy Father is completely free to assemble a new team.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 In the world of the anti Christ news, I pay attention to what the apostate Pater Pope is engaged in, as he place nation rapist Angela Merkel into power and has had his fingers involved in numbers of elections since he rose to power.
This false prophet has uttered blasphemy for his entire tenure from Jesus not being needed for Salvation, being pro sodomite, to being anti America, radical communist green and not protecting children from the child rape plague in the Catholic church.

It is in this that the Vatican spokespeople in not agreeing with the Pater Pope's overhaul of the Vatican media, resigned after much deliberation among themselves.

Vatican spokesman Greg Burke resigns suddenly

The Vatican says Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Vatican spokesman Greg Burke and his deputy. The move comes after the pope overhauled the Vatican's media operations.

If you observe close the expressions on the Pater Pope, he does not like his media people at all. The only other person I have witnessed the Pater Pope scowl at like this is Donald Trump, the President of the United States.
That says it all, as you can witness by his media people, that they are leaning in, and doing their utmost to serve this man, but he is detesting their work and the message which are the facts which is what Catholics are hearing.

7 hours ago
Termina una etapa. ¡Gracias, Santo Padre, por estos dos años y medio! Gracias, Greg, por tu confianza, tu paciencia y tu ejemplo.

Unfortunately it is not the old days in I can not burn you at the stake.


Just as an addition in this, the name pope means papa or father. Christians have one Father and He is in Heaven. If you look at the Pater Pope's official account, you see he goes by Papa. In other accounts in English it is Pope, but when he is communicating with his official account it is Papa.

Que Jesús, María y José bendigan y protejan a todas las familias del mundo, para que en ellas reinen el amor, la alegría y la paz.

So who is this Pater Pope placing into the Vatican media to manage his message of sodomy and child rape? It is two heavy hitting Italians who have been bending at the waist for this Pater in serving him exactly as he demands.

A Vatican statement said Francis accepted the pair's resignations Monday. Francis named a member of the Vatican's communications office, Alessandro Gisotti, as an interim replacement.
The pope has recently overhauled the Vatican's media operations by ousting the longtime editor of the Vatican newspaper and naming a new director of editorial content for all Vatican media, Andrea Tornielli.

Andrea Tornielli.

He has been the editorial director of the Dicastery for Communication since December 2018.
He collaborated at the Catholic newspaper Il Sabato and at the monthly 30Giorni, from 1992 to 1996. He was a journalist at the conservative daily Il Giornale, from 1996 to 2011. He started collaborating at La Stampa, in March 2011, as a Vaticanist, and he is the coordinator of their website Vatican Insider, published in three languages and entirely dedicated to information related to the Vatican and the Catholic Church.

Alessandro Gisotti

He is the coordinator of social media of the Dicastery for the Communication of the Holy See. From 2012 to 2017 he was deputy editor-in-chief at Vatican Radio.  He follows daily the activity of the Pope and of the Holy See, from the last years of the Pontificate of John Paul II.

In October 2018 he was a member of the Commission for the Information of the Synod on Youth, chaired by Paolo Ruffini, as a collaborator [4].

On 31 December 2018 he was appointed interim director of the Holy See Press Office [5].

He is a lecturer in charge of Theories and Techniques of Journalism [6] at the Redemptor Hominis Pastoral Institute of the Pontifical Lateran University, where in 2016 he held the course "Communication Laboratory".

He is one of the editors of Radio Vaticana who made the services on the homilies of Pope Francis at Casa Santa Marta  collected in two volumes published by Rizzoli

In short Alessandro Gisotti is the Joseph Goebbels propaganda minister of the Pater Pope. The reality in this is, the Pater Pope has gone scorched earth. The messages of his removal of Christ from Salvation, promoting sodomy and the Vatican's perpetual child rape sagas are what is transfixed in the mind's of Catholics. The Pater Pope is upset his message has not converted the masses, and has now gotten rid of the American FOX conservative Catholic public relation's director with his competent assistant for a scorched earth Vaticanism which will be perpetuated by the Italian Vaticanists.
All of this signals that this Pater Pope is in huge trouble. It signals that whatever is the next phase with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz realigning Europe from an Austrian perspective is something this Pater Pope needs jack booted keypads to deal with in the propaganda, and it is evident that by Greg Burke and Paloma Ovejero agonizing over this decision the Vatican has taken, which they can not morally agree with, after months of prayer moved them to both resign.

This Pater Pope traditionally goes hard Italian to gain power and to get things done the Italian way. It is his psyche in what he always rushes to in any hard pressed situation. Cut through the spin in this as the Vatican is blaming the American for an uncoordinated message, that translates to Greg Burke was not putting a convincing spin on child rape and rejecting Jesus to indoctrinate Catholics. There is a reason the Pater Pope chose these two keypad thumpers, as they are going to make the Catholics tow the line or it will be fire at the stake.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

