Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Selective American Genocide of Classes in Warfare

Civilians Dead in World War II American Bombing
Germany 600,000
Japan 400,000
40 million civilians perished globally

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading John Keegan's summation of World War II,  I came across this interesting footnote of history which all have overlooked and is hereby shared with you. Did you know that the war in Europe could have been over in December 1944?
There should not have been any Battle of the Bulge and the worse yet American Soldiers dying and suffering in that bitter cold, marching in their sleep, zombies to the world, as they fought inch for inch for ground lost, as Roosevelt and Eisenhower refused Patton's bold  thrust to cut the Germans off and kill the Wehrmacht there.

It was in this, and Albert Speer in his memoirs mentioned this too in the Americans and British had Germany industry shut down, but suddenly stopped bombing electric and fuel industries, which revived the German military machine.
I will contend it was not bad weather or differences in bombing command, but a deliberate action by America and England to allow Germany off the mat for another six months of punishing war for reason which I will explain exclusively.

American Concentration Camp 1945 Germany

In May of 1944, Allied bombers "oil offensive", production from synthetic oil plants was only 10,000 tons, one sixth of consumption, which itself had been reduced by stringent economy from 195,000 tons in May.
Only the onset of bad weather and disagreement between the bomber chiefs spared the oil plants from further sustained attack. and so averted a total interruption of oil supply before Christmas 1944. Germany narrowly escaped by defeat by economic effect alone in 1944, as it was, a revival of production at the main Politz Synthetic refinery released enough oil for it's armies to go down fighting on the Rhine an in Berlin the following spring.

John Keegan

 Understand that if Germany had been stopped in December of 1944 AD in the year of our Lord, that thousands of Germans would still be alive and viable. Germany had not had the stuffing kicked out of her to take the fight from her Soldier. Germany.
Germany was still intact as was Greater Germany. The Americans had not yet breached German lands nor had Russia. If the war had ended then, the Allies would have had a core Germany in population untouched and with a viable army to resist any crimes against Germans, which indeed follow in 1945 with mass rape by Russians and 10 million Germans dying of abuse in concentration camps.

What I am stating is how many of the nearly 300,000 US dead and wounded, did not have to have occurred if the US policy had been to end the war with German capitulation in December of 1944, by ending their fuel supplies or their ability to fight.
It was US policy to expend US life, in order to exterminate a specific group of Germans in child bearing females in the east by Russian rape and male soldiers by death camp. The US decided to occupy and divide up Germany, while slaughtering an entire generation of Germans, and that is what this letting Germany off the mat was designed to do.
Make that fact known to the families of the dead of 1945, and that includes the loss of General George S. Patton, if genocide of a specific German population group was worth those American dead.

It was not isolated to Germany, as this same Social Engineering by American bombing was unleashed in Japan, a nation goaded into attacking America by Franklin Roosevelt's embargo.

Read what Professor Keegan notes in American submarines, employing the same tactics as German U Boats who were castigated as criminals killed Japanese merchant sailors, and deprived Japanese of food. Thee Americans were by design as in Germany, killing of a specific group in Japan by mass murder. In Germany it was by rape and exposure. In Japan it was by starvation and disease, but the focus was not the breeding population or warrior classes alone. In Japan, the focus of the Americans was the Japanese poor.
Yes war was waged on the Japanese poor population. That is what B 29 fire bombing of Japanese cities was targeted upon in firing the rice paper wall home of the poor in Dresden after Dresden nights. Into this, the poor were starved to death.


Okinawa 1945

Japan was even more vulnerable to economic strangulation than Germany, and in it's last weeks of war making it was almost brought to that point.
The end result of the war effort (American submarines obliterating Japanese shipping)  was to leave Japan with a population on the brink of starvation, though a significantly enlarged workforce of trained engineering operatives. In the era of post war economic revival, that workforce would win for Japanese  production the overseas markets whose denial had provoked Japan to aggression in the first place.

John Keegan.

My Uncle as a young boy was stationed in the Army of Occupation in Japan, and he told me of his experience in Japan, in they were warned to never eat Japanese vegetables or fruit as they used human excrement for fertilizer, there was not any plumbing as sewers ran down the streets, and the entire nation in the poor was a festering venereal disease which the Americans could smell.

The Americans had decided to kill the Japanese poor off in mass, and in what John  Keegan records, left the engineers alive, in order to raise Japan from the ashes to be exploited by world banking. Japan was to be the counter balance to Chicom China which was turned over to communists by Harry Truman, and Germany was to be the nuclear bunker to be the front line on the Soviet Cold War

There is absolutely no denying the above military and political planning of the American regime. FDR instigated World War II for American socialism to transform America from capitalism, and in Germany America holocausted the German males of warrior age and in the east allowed the Russians to rape the women out of existence, leaving an industrial slave class, and in Japan the target was poor Japanese to be holocausted, leaving an engineering class to enslave and exploit.

For those of you who still cling to patriot wars, how does it sit within you that American lives were expendable, when wars could have ended, and entire populations not holocausted within populations. The poor in Japan who would breed resistance and the breeders in Germany who could resist.

That sounds a great deal like what Nazis were accused of in the fiction of the Jewish holocaust the world is still criminalized to focus upon, so that no one begins examining the real information and statistics of the war was not about patriotism, but about profits, globalism and the genocide of certain population groups which was all agreed to and planned out.

That is not very American as Americans never considered such things in war or peace, and yet that is exactly what the leadership was implementing.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
