Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The 49th Parallel

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

TL and I have to do things on the cheap being homeless, and one of the things TL does is find old movies online and download them at the library. There is one I want to suggest that we just watched, because it honestly makes Joe Goebbels and that rubbish that John Ford made in anti German movies child's play compared to what the English accomplished in 1941 AD in the year of our Lord.

I want to say first that this is the best English movie ever made. This is not that prissy English actors posing in all their boring Masterpiece Theater drama or loud rants. This was pure mind rape to hate Germans and I have  never witnessed anything better.

The movie is the 49th Parallel or The Invaders, and starts out how great Canada and America are for their unprotected border, which is now sealed and Americans can not of America any longer without a search and a passport. What the story is a German submersible attacks British shipping off Canada, and then sails up to Hudson Bay to dominate the world by seizing a Hudson Bay Trading Outpost by placing a Nazi flag on top of it, as the  U Boat suddenly needs supplies and fuel.
Never mind that the Germans had submersible supply ships in the North Atlantic, as this German Commander is really burn all your bridges as he wants a Hudson's Bay blanket.

So they attack, and send a party ashore and the U Boat is left on the surface to be bombed by the parents of the McKenzie Brothers from Strange Brew. I swear you understand why Justin Trudeau seized power in Canada after seeing these Canadian pilots.
They blow up the sub, but the raiding party goes after Hudson Bay Company, and what follows is thee most atrocious German hatred on film, but it reveals how terrorized the British regime was of  their bondage people in Indians,Scots and French were going to join the Germans and throw His Majesty out on his ass.

The Brits hit all cylinders for German hatred in this, as here is the list of the things Germans never did, but they do in this movie:

Germans are accused of strafing life rafts.

Germans are accused of murdering women and children.

Germans beat up and blow the hell out of Canadian Indians.

Germans shoot a French Canadian.

Germans murder Hudson Bay employees.

Germans steal a Canadian traveling salesman's car after they beat him up.

Germans try to make the Hutterites into Nazis.

Germans try to beat up a Hutterite girl.

Germans beat up an English fag and burn his rare paintings which he has along in a Indian tipi in the wilderness.

Germans beat up a Canadian soldier.

In watching this, I was amazed how terrified the crown  was of all their enslaved people rising up in revolt from Glasgow to Montreal and joining the Germans. That is what this movie is about, making the Germans in fiction out to be the brutes, so these enslaved peoples would forget about all the hangings and drawings they endured under the British.

The movie though is a good movie.  They murder Lawrence Olivier who gives his best performance of his life of a Quebecois. Olivier was fantastic in the role, so of course the Brits murder him to make the French hate Germans and the audience hate Germans.
Same with threatening to beat up a 15 year old German girl and then executing the one "humane Nazi' in the group, it was designed to keep the German majority in North America from throwing off the repression of the Queen and Franklin Roosevelt.

What this movie is, is all of the hateful propaganda the English produced, to brainwash people in America and the Commonwealth to go murder German Lutherans in mass, so the bankers could steal German colonies and lands.

The sermon by the head Hutterite was bizarre, but then that is what it was designed for in being anti socialism, and pro mob rule "democracy" as "democracy" is time  and again voiced in the film, which is unique in nations which the Monarchs rule unelected, over French, Scot and Indians whose nations were annexed by London by killing all the resistors.

What always strikes me in this is, America is socialist, China is socialist,  Russia is socialist, Europe is socialist, in all were overthrown to Adolf Hitler's socialism, and yet none of  that is ever mentioned. Hitler was evil for socialism, but the same police state socialism which rule the world is now wonderful.

The movie ends with the Canadian  beating up the last surviving Nazi, the one German against 11 million Canadians. No sense in spoiling the ending as you watch this thinking this is really good acting, but the realize it his hatred of Germans to manipulate you, and it loses it's luster.

I like Olivier's performance though and is why I would recommend that you watching this movie sometime in the archives somewhere as it is a good film, and you do get to see how everyone has been manipulated all these years and still are.

Oh one more thing, this was written for the British regime by Emeric Pressburger an Austrian Hungarian, yes this was Jewish propaganda direct from the Rothschilds.  The Germans kindly educated him and prospered him, and he immediately produced a holocaust film against the Germans.

Nuff Said

