Wednesday, January 30, 2019

America Land of the Pussy

I'm sorry I can not come into work today
as Melania banned fur in the White House and I do
not have a thing to wear.....oh and it is cold in Nebraska


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In going to visit TL in the metro, I frequently had to sojourn through that shit hole known as Iowa and Nebraska. I have always wondered about that, as I liked the people of Iowa and Nebraska, but they have nothing but pricks as highway patrolmen and elected officials. The long winded version of this is, as shit hole as north Missouri is in looking like scorched earth wiped up a red cedar asshole, the cities which are the dirtiest in America are Sioux City and Council Bluffs which includes Omaha Nebraska.
Those fuckhead Iowa people run their interstates right through their big cities like California does and that makes  a nightmare on merging traffic. Honestly Omaha is one of thee worst traffic jams in nowhere America. It is like 12 lanes of terror and last time I went there the dumb bastards had taken down the offramp sign to get onto I 29.

So where I am going with this is I make a point to listen to night radio in Omaha or Des Moines, in KFAB and WHO. KFAB has the best on air voices in the business. They are boring like most local radio is, but they have a primo group working there, and as I was up at 6 am this morning, firing up the Mr. Heaters for an hour which of course is an OSHA violation as you can not run these things in the house, but I am not going to burn  down this shack in the cold in the furnace never shutting off, so it is auxilary heat at 40 below.

Yes to the point....

So Nebraska shut down school today at 13 below and they were whining about how cold it was. Apparently the Post Office has found a way not to work further in cold now does shut down the delivery of the mail when Donald Trump could not.
I was listening to this shit and was thinking, even with those fraud wind chills, Nebraska was still not as cold as our median temperature and working people here still had to go to work........just the government people get the day off from teachers who do not teach and postals who do not deliver the mail.

America is nothing but pussies now. Hell I have to do chores and everything else no matter how damn bad it is. I was telling TL on the day we went to town for emergency supplies  in these propane tanks, that no one stays home here. We met dozens of vehicles on the road. I would rather we had a 4 x 4 as a two wheel drive pick up is not kosher in this kind of road kill roads, but that is waiting on the generous donations of the rich.......and for those who do not like me harping about money, you try living without it, and then you get the point every time you hear Sean Homo Hannity and that Bloomberg set whining about only they pay taxes.......well who did  these rich people loot that money from but the poor people, and is it not a Testament of Jesus the Christ in what rich people  are in how impossible it is for them to get to Heaven, like going through the  eye of a needle, because I have been begging for years for these rich people to pony up for the greatest exclusives ever, and there has yet to appear that 350,000 dollar donation.
Think of that in the stock market under Obama and Trump tripled in value since Ronald Reagan. These rich people have 3 million dollars for every 1 million they had, and they still will not donate anything. That is their own condemnation at the Judgment Throne. It is absolutely degrading to constantly beg for money, but I would not be begging for money if rich people donated.
So America is nothing but pussies and misers. Think of  the reality of this in how this works out when things melt down and Chinese and Russians start launching nukes and invading. Americans will think the war will be called off if it rains or gets cold. That is the reality of the Obama sodomite snowflake army America now has defending her. They can not throw grenades and they will not fight.
If cold and poor orphans need things, well they sure never gave them to me, so what are the urchins going to do but die on the street like dead cats.

There is absolutely no will power in the American majority any more. It has been deliberately bred out so it will not revolt when these foreigners are brought in to replace them. I listen to outdoors people. That is hunters and trappers, and for the most part on their websites, I hear them whining about the government shut down like you would expect Niggers in Chicago to when services are cut off.
Could you just hear Daniel Boone saying, "Sorry America, no creating Kentucky today, as Ben Franklin shut the mail down as he saw a snowflake, so America stays in British hands".

The problem is, most of these 30 something and unders have no idea what Daniel Boone even is.

As a kid I used to complain about the cold, and then I saw in Embarass Minnesota that when it was 60 below, the town had plug ins for cars for their engine heaters and life went on. After existing in winters where 20 below  was the high for months  on end and I wanted to puke from the cold, because livestock had to be taken care of, I stopped thinking 10 degrees was cold. On the contrary for those who do not know, zero degrees feels absolutely balmy after you have been in 40 degree weather. The fact is 20 below feels quite warm too. Below though that 40 I can never really tell, as it just is so dry it all feels cold, and all you do is freeze a bit faster. I always marked the  cold by chopping ice and water splashing up, in when it froze to your clothes like iciccles it was pretty cold outside.

I think of those Germans stuck in that Russian winter in World War II. I think of people I knew stuffing newspapers into their clothes for some kind of insulation. I think of Colonel Dodge when his troops were wiping out the Indian  terrorists who were murdering each other and George Custer's command, being worried at 20 below that his troops would get overheated, and that is the Germanic stuff of America which is being wiped out.

Stopping the mail and school in Iowa and Nebraska just because it is 10 below. I can understand that in Texas where they are not used to that kind of cold as it does take a bit to acclimate as the livestock here looks rough in this shit, but you get used to it. I thought 10 degrees was cold.....hell 15 below yesterday was cold as it was a wet wind, but today at 40 it is quite balmy. The cats are out in the snow sunning themselves and the cows are too, including baby calf looking around covered in frost like he thinks it is a day on the Florida beach.
I mean dress for the weather, not like these asstards I see in jammies and slippers going to get groceries. I have to wear  dead men's  clothes as I can not afford 60 to 100 dollar Carhart clothes and my coveralls are rags, but if I get there before the Mexicans do, I have picked up a jacket for 8 bucks, which has some kind of farm logo on it, but the clothes are there.
I am sitting in dead men's and mothers LL Bean flannel pants. Cabelas socks, a Jeff Hardy t shirt, a local school long sleeve and a bedspread flannel lined shirt with my feet under another quarter purchase from the thrift store. I think I paid in my beggar status about 4 bucks for this, and 1.50 of it was  the socks. I never got away with quitting or saying I could not get things done. I instead was given hell and threatened if I even considered quitting, because it would be sinful to not take care of animals in cold weather.

Yet entire states are shut down. New York was in a panic because it rained and people were  worried about ice. Yeah and ice melts and New York is built for rich people in mass transit.

When I did chores at 18 below, I thought it was pretty nice today. It helps I lie to myself in it is warming up to zero tomorrow as that will feel like suntan weather, but by God's Grace we have to get through today and tonight and do our best for the animals, as goats refuse to cooperate, even though I was forced to spend 7 dollars for a sweater and a hoodie to dress them in. That sweater was some brand name 100 dollar thing which like the hoodie I am going to launder as I  think I will be wearing them later, but it is what it is in I have to figure out how to keep things alive, because I sure have not figured out how to beg humanity in those rich people for generous donations.
......and yes their excuse is now, "Well if I donate now, LC will know what a horrid person I have been". Yeah we are all sons of bitches so get over it. People should  know by now that as long as they  do not have attitude I do not beat your ass with words here and I accept the lost as found in everything forgotten.

I don't forget the cold though.......well at least until it is 100 degrees with 90% humidity and then my memory gets a bit fuzzy, until I get to thinking about weeks and months like today and I am reminded how cold is  real cold  and how much I hate it.

Got to jet as today's agenda is baking bread and Presto cooker chicken to help keep the house warm so the furnace does not go overload, then the chicken skin, fat and blood clot broth will have oatmeal added to it and the kitties will have warm meals for tonight to keep themselves warm.
Actually they dined pretty good yesterday as I spotted a dead pheasant a quarter mile out in a field last Saturday, walked out to get it as I was thinking about eating it as it probably died from exposure. Nope, the exposure it died of was from horned owls, so I thawed it out and our doorstep is a mess of feathers as the cats tore into it yesterday.  They tore into that horned owl in the last cold  spell. Those cats are real Louisville Slugger killers when it comes to horned owls that set down where they are not supposed to.

Everything gets recycled here to the bones as I don't get to Nebraska take the day off for cold as they live on the donations I should be receiving for showing up for work.

Nuff Said
