Sunday, January 27, 2019

One Twenty Seven Human Target

His name is Baptiste........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is a story board for one of my favorite shows which FOX cancelled and put shit on television instead. This is one episode I would have liked to have had produced under my Screen Writers Guild card.

He is an assassin and I trained him.  He has a thing for watches. He kills the  target and then takes their watch if it is nice.

Nice watch you have mate.

Dude, last time he was in town, he asked me about my kid.

I need something from you and just to be clear, you will still owe me.

Hey dude, heard you're in town.

It doesn't matter if they know I am here. I will get the job done.


 The FBI thinks he is after one of three targets. My gut tells me it is this guy.


Today, ten years, dude you are going to die sometime, so deal with it as I got a schedule.


This is a nice watch. You can track me with it anywhere.


They outsmarted themselves in they put a tracker on the target and I hacked into their system.

Dude nobody hacks my system.


It just doesn't seem to be your day wanker.

Take the watch dude.


Nice watch mate.


Very nice watch mate. 


Sure Doc, put Baptiste on, we're family.

Hey dude. Got the time?

I just wanted you to know it was check out time mate.

Mention my kid and it gets personal.
