Sunday, January 27, 2019

That German Word for Stove

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The old line is I am faced with a dilemma, but the mind shuts down with that, as I am faced with a reality of freezing to death or sitting in a cold house, until the body degrades to lung condition in which I would drown in my own fluids.

The ordeal is not having money, not having a chimney, but having a leaking chimney so the plaster ceilings have been falling down.
The alternative is digging a hole, or a hole called an outside cellar entrance, not for loading a combustible product in the mess of outside stairs and removal of ash, but for a chimney to vent smoke at a 45 degree angle to the real chimney.


The cellar is stone walls, so is ambient temperature of 55 degrees. While it will not hold heat well, it will not bleed heat, it is the 100 degree minus damper of 45 degrees, but as heat rises, this will heat the floor, seep through and with some type of open port, will breathe heat to the first floor.

As one can discern the mason heater has breathe holes in it or exhaust holes.

As you can see the lungs of this stove breathe in an catalytic type air flow to be a radiator in absorbing as much heat before it exhausts outdoors.
It would be advisable for a heater as this to have a way of getting into it to clean as lungs do get sooty.

This is the outside nostrils to fill the fire chamber with fresh oxygen, instead of depleting the inside air, and exhausting warm inside the house air outside. Closed units have benefits.
Problem is in a basement I have to draw air down into the stove and then have it sucked up through the chimney. Circulation must be strong or the fire will not burn or it will be forever smokey in the house.

Higher and lower breather and vents, with wind help in this draft.


Wood source is not necessary in my location.  I have a potatoe bin, so 3 cords of wood to 8 cords are available. What I need to have happen without a living model in a building of faith is for the stove to radiate heat enough to rise heat to the upper floors, and not have it hold so much in that the basement is neutralizing that heat, or I have a heater which will have a cold pack stone cellar never allowing it to warm.

Natural air flow would benefit, but an electric blower would assist, providing it would not cool the stove off too fast.

Oh well another leap of faith in trusting my life into my own invention again.

Nuff Said
