Saturday, January 26, 2019

We have won Cavemen!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today the Fatherland executed a strategic victory by withdrawing all the advances of the past two Ostheer years and in bloody fighting moved to positions in front of the Soviet communist advance.

In reading the propaganda of Donald  Trump's victory in caving in to Democrats and the rise of CIA minder Ann Coulter to be a contender in  2020, I am reminded of Nazi propaganda of how glorious the victory is in massive defeat.

It is not Ann Coulter that you have to worry about, but the hot nethers of that former UN mistress of the Carolinas awaiting in the sultry wings of Mike Pence's Katie Walsh boudoir.

Ask yourself if this is so great in caving, then why not build the wall now instead of 3 weeks in promise from Donald Trump?

I have reasons below

The pressure switches were the  economy, Wall Street prop ups using retirement benefits has reached it's end, Lindsey Graham will push Trumpnesty and Trumpaca as a final solution, and you were diverted to look at things 3 weeks down the road in your short attention span.

You are being converted from Nationalists to National Socialists with a marginal GOP, just as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated was the deep state operation, while on the left you have moderate Pelosi and Schumer against Marxist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

Enjoy your lessons suckers as this  blog is the only one who just informed you again what is really taking place as I sit here the poor cold orphan girl wondering just how many times I have to save you rich people for you to show some humanity and come through with those generous donations.

How about you answer that question now, before you have to answer it before God.

Don't blame me for explaining this President's actions. All I am doing is reading the handwriting on the wall.

Nuff Said
