Thursday, January 3, 2019

Robert Mueller Starts Nuclear War in Donald Trump's Pants

 I am not a spy I just work for my own security company,  
my parents are British, I was born in Canada, I birthered my way to America
to be a Marine, take lots of trips to Moscow and 
attended a wedding of an American and Russian woman,
which was nothing like Lee Harvey Oswald and his Russian wife


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is wunderbah to be back to the good olde days of der Kalter Krieg, where President Vladimir Putin like Nikita Khrushchev can not control his intelligence services any more than John Kennedy could  control his generals at the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Enter Paul Whelan, no not Wisconsin guy Paul Nehlan, but Paul Whelan of Michigan......same Michigan where Blackwater arose from and now is the White House's personal mercenary gas pump boys in Syria selling gas and oil from the Jew's Haifa pipeline, which is not part of this, but things do seem to link up in degrees of separation. 
So PW is an interesting person who looks like an MI6 guy working for Theresa May of Pissgate things in another MI6 operation to cause war between America and the United States.

So the FSB nabs the frequent flier to Moscow and now Mike Pompeo is acting like Dean Rusk. 

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke for the first time Wednesday about a U.S. national imprisoned on Russian charges of espionage.
Russian security services arrested Paul Whelan Friday on purported suspicion of espionage. His family says he was in Russia for a wedding, CBS reported.

So PW is in Moscow for a wedding that looks like he was lured there by a Russian agent, but they knew he was coming, and decided to have him eat snow on the street. Not like knocking back shots of vodka, the mother's milk of Russia, but it is intimate to have an FSB agent slamming you to the concrete and grinding your head into 30 below zero Russian snow.

Paul Whelan is director of global security for Michigan-based automotive components supplier BorgWarner, where he has worked a few years, the company said Tuesday.
Paul has been to Russia many times for work and personal business, and he flew to Moscow on December 22 to attend a wedding ceremony for a fellow former Marine and a Russian woman, David Whelan said.
Paul was with the bride and groom at the Kremlin on Friday, acting as a tour guide for wedding guests, his brother said. When Paul didn't arrive at the wedding later that day, the couple filed a missing-person report with Russian authorities, David Whelan said

See real picture of Paul Whelan, who was tour guide, disappeared from the wedding, was driving around in the dark, and pulled from the car he was driving, he gets arrested.

Moscow tourist committee welcoming American spies
to an entree of pavement platter with snow icing.

Thing is, well the Russians accuse Paul Whelan of being at a spy gathering as apparently where else would spies gather as Christopher Steele seemed to gather lots of spies for his Pissgate dossier. Any way, the Russians nabbed Paul Whelan and the Russians are very good at setting up innocent people, stupidly innocent people and people who are not so innocent or stupid.


Russia has detained a U.S. citizen on spying charges that could land him in prison for as long as 20 years, the TASS news agency reported Monday. TASS said Paul Whelan was taken into custody Friday “during a spy rally in Moscow.” The report said officers of Russia’s domestic security service, the Federal Security Service (FSB), detained Whelan and opened a criminal case against him. No details were offered about Whelan or the crimes he allegedly committed. There was no immediate comment from the White House or U.S. State Department.

Yeah, below is he fact that Whelan is an Obama Birther. Yeah the Russians hate the British as they are real pissers in always trying to start a nuclear war or lop off Putin's head.

Paul Whelan was born in Canada to British parents, but lives in Michigan. He served multiple tours with the US Marine Corps in Iraq, his brother said. The US State Department has said he is a US citizen.

 But enter into this Robert Mueller's part in this, in his Muellerwater was obsessed with the lust for placing Russians into American custody where they could be stripped naked, fondled and subjected to all sorts of homosexual intercourse in the grey bar hotel and vaseline emporium.
Enter NRA confidant Maria Butina, who is a most enticing fantasy for those intrigued by Donald Trump grabbing of pussy of centerfolds and pornfolds.

Arrest comes weeks after Russian Maria Butina's guilty plea

Whelan's arrest came 15 days after alleged Russian spy Maria Butina pleaded guilty in US federal court, as part of a deal with prosecutors, to trying to infiltrate Republican political circles and influence US relations with Russia before and after the 2016 presidential election.
Until the plea deal, Butina maintained she was innocent and insisted she was a foreign student interested in bettering relations between the US and Russia. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said the Russian government views her as a "political prisoner" who did nothing wrong and had been targeted for political motivations.

See this is all Cold War. Silly Americans with delusions of Comeyhood, who know that Jesus could benefit from their Sermons of the Twitter and know that if God would just come to His senses that they would be the only begotten and Jesus would be peeking at prison surveillance of sexual sodomite acts and masturbating to How Great Thou Art.

Let me double your O Seven

Maria Butina
Maria Butina is a political activist and the founder of the Right to Bear Arms, a Russian gun rights group. At one time, she worked for Aleksandr Torshin, a former Russian senator belonging to Vladimir Putin's political party and deputy governor of the Central Bank of Russia, with alleged ties to the Russian mafia.More at Wikipedia

So there you have it, to get Donald Trump, well not Donald Trump, but that Missing Link. 
You know that brainosaurus who outsmarted everyone in stealing back the election from Hillary Clinton and playing everyone to their own criminal misconduct, so all is an illusion in this magic act, and everyone thinks that Robert Mueller is after Donald Trump on Russia things......I digress

This all breaks down to that in order to find the Missing Link, Robert Mueller needs to get Donald Trump and gets Donald Trump by getting Russians, like this lovely Maria Butina, which the Kremlin has retaliated in protecting her, by feeding a snow sandwich to this Birther Whelan fellow, so now on US protest this has been elevated to higher levels of friction, which adds to all of the other fusion of fury, all of those atoms of fission are moving toward a detonation of a device with the aromas of world war.

Do none of you see, that all of this is not about what you are focusing on, but has been about from the start is the successful chilling of relations between America and Russia for the return of the Cold War in teaching the Russians to remember, recall and re invent their Soviet glories in humiliating the Americans as they have been humiliated.
And in all of those emotions, how long will it be before emotions cause cooler heads to push things hotly which become atomic.

Nuff Said
