Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Fires of Job


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was listening to George Nouri and his New Year's guests in one of them was an astrologer.  Now being a Christian I do not follow astrology, and it is bullshit if anyone is telling you that your stars say you are going to win a million dollars or 9 11 is going to fall on your head, but the stars do influence the frequencies which you live in in what you think is your life. Think of it as your being a laser eye on a DVD, and the DVD is the stars playing and you are vibrating to what they are playing for you. It is a point that things will be easier or harder depending on what is playing.

But first, no singing.

 The Holy Ghost has often enough as of late deliberately provided me verses focusing on consumption of God's enemies by fire. I have not inquired as who am I to save the rich non donors after I did my duty in warning them for over a year to be nice to me. Something inside of me though is uneasy about this fire in what it is, as when the Holy Ghost begins repeating Himself, it is verily verily in something is generating.

By the blast of God they perish, and by the breath of his nostrils are they consumed.

Job 4:9

The Holy Ghost seems intent on the Job of me suffering recently and the response is about blasting and consuming God's enemies. We shall see what this portends if it is large or if it is small, as I doubt I will know about some rich person smoking candles while drinking high proof liquor and turning themselves into the wick of their ala lantern homes.

 Now what the star observer was saying was that the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are drying up. I wonder what that could mean.

And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

Revelation 16:12

There was also the mention that the stock markers in the stars were going to go roller coaster from February to April. I have not checked again on the pur date for market implosion, but as stated I pay attention to the frequency the stars play when I hear someone competent speaking about it, and the reality is, just like Haman, those who are in power pay great attention to the dates of best effect when they move in their attacks or monetary collecting.

I simply found it interesting that someone noted things written in the stars which were not trending well for the rich. Star gal did not see any world wars starting in 2019, but she was focused in regional stuff. Yes the tinder for the flame.

Now that I think about it, I had strange series of dreams on January 1st. They were all quite vivid and clear which did not make a great deal of sense as I awoke, but I believe they made perfect sense in the Holy Ghost pointed out what was clutter and what was the pertinent icons in the dream. Needed to say I had the feeling a great deal of it was end times things, but I forget the dreams, or I should say Someone probably wiped them from my memory as it was a dreamtime revelation thing only meant for the wee hours. I do remember the last one though, and without going into details as the details would be clutter, it seemed like some group had acquired a magic liquid that would produce a complete consuming flame, like that Job verse above.
Odd how I have the association in touching that device that it is Barbara Eden in her gennie bottle. You don't know this but I saw the original black and white of I Dream of Jeannie the other night while doing computer updates, and it is amazing how seductive she originally portrayed the girl in the bottle and how later the character was the sweet innocent blonde.

Anyway who can make anything out of such postings as this as what would it all mean. I would think that it would take a Daniel with the Spirit of God in them to discern what it all could add up to.
Alas here am I but a poor orphan girl, who it feels like the mother and deceased sister in Heaven are not at all pleased with the company I keep pestering them about in money and things of reality. Oh well add to that now an only child with the poor orphan. I'm doing really great in this, but that is off subject.

Well time to watch a TL download for tonight's entertainment. I forget what it is completely, but I will remember when I see it.

Nuff Said
