Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Neo HAARP Weather Mod Bomb

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog is the only one covering the story of HAARP making genocide war on American Christians in Reagan Blue State Country, I am posting this as as work in progress.

Above you have a Saturday night evolving forecast. Notice once again the exclusive which I have been covering in that Minot Air Force Base, nuclear slot. This thing keeps generating like clockwork in this creation of the "Polar Vortex" or blizzard blaster storms generated by HAARP.
I conclude it is connected to the HAARP experiments on containing a first strike attack on the United States by Eurasian nuclear powers to keep the fallout kill zone in under populated areas. Let us kill the Indians is the message in this phase. Last year the experiment seemed to be 'let us kill the Germans" as their population was in the western Minnesota area.

What is of interest in this, is you are getting a real time view of there being absolutely no possibility of a blizzard with avalanche snows in South Dakota, but this is what is predicted.


   REST OF TONIGHT Partly cloudy late in the evening, then mostly cloudy with a 50 percent chance of light snow after midnight. Lows around 10 below. Northwest winds up to 5 mph shifting to the southeast after midnight. Wind chill readings 15 below to 25 below zero.

Observe though the most interesting storm flow in the United States.


Take particular note that this atomic HAARP slot has snow appearing out of nowhere again. Note also there are not any storm fronts in the west or north to generate huge amounts of snow which is necessary for moisture. The desert has not any moisture for storms, so once again we await to see where HAARP pulls this storm out of.

America has a Jet Stream which is driving storms up the east coast of the United States. That is the normal flow in this El Nina warm period. The problem is that the Midwest is supposed to be warm, but has since October been driving frigid air into the American center, killing old people like my mum, killing stock, wildlife and pets, and all for selling American energy. Same situation in Europe to force them to buy LPG.
Anyway HAARP having sucked all of the cold out of Greenland (impossible as that is northeast of the United States), sucked all the cold air out of the upper atmosphere is now sucking air out of the Arctic.

Problem with this as I have shown is Canada is warmer than the United States. Further problem is the computer models are like a silicon grenade is going off. The forecasts are changing every few hours, spiking, showing heat, showing record cold, and then breaks in it and then streaks of cold.
The winds are even changing from perpetual north. These are the weather bots in they have nothing in their hundred years of data which looks like this.
This is most fascinating.

I have data from Bones Watertown SD area and at 9 am it had a south wind with sun. 12 pm, the wind was north with clouds. 2 pm the wind was northwest and sun. 3 pm was northwest with drifting. 4 pm the wind was calm. The temperature ran from 15 above to 15 below in this period.
Now get this with southeast winds, there is going to be another 30 degree swing for Sunday for the blizzard.

This is supposed to be the avalanche snow period followed by 30 below zero weather. This is HAARP at work and HAARP is running out of steam. I honestly ponder if the Weather Mods in freezing Americans to death, in having killed the atmosphere as thoroughly has they have, that there is going to be a thermal inversion of heating coming. There are indications of spikes already in warmth one day followed by seasonal. This does not take place in this area of the world.

Denver is key in this, in the great Arctic bomb on the American interior is going to only drop Denver to 27 degrees. Denver is running 50 degrees. That is close to what Minneapolis  should be experiencing in temperatures near 40 degrees. You can not sell propane on that though so this HAARP terrorism is hammering everything in a last big sell to Chicago east.

The Weather Mods are still in geyser mode for the Dakota region, in predicted teens, but even that is running out of power. I have no idea what these sadists will attempt to implement for oil baron bucks, but this being made public is making more people aware of what is taking place, and it is no longer something which is able to be hidden.
It is a point, the last time they generated this kind of overload, a surge of heat from the south appeared. There  comes a time in this atmospheric warfare that it is soon going to be too warm that nothing is going to be generated to sell  fuel. Calgary Alberta was having rain and this will spread, as before this record cold, the Dakotas were having freezing rain which is impossible, but not with HAARP.

Tomorrow or today is another day, and we will have to see what HAARP is generating and if the Weather Mods have lost their balls in continuing on with this atmospheric terrorism.


Cheryl Scott needs to help this blog and do the weather buff butt on a bearskin rug as trying to get people interested in donating on weather patterns is really futile. Donald Trump if he was serious about building the wall would have hot chics in lingerie hawking it on the border. Everyone would care about that.

Cheryl needs to pose on a black bear rug as white makes you look plumper.


Nuff Said
