Wednesday, January 2, 2019

When open European Hands become Closed Fists

The Kaiser and Sir Winston Churchill

“One might as well legalise sodomy as recognise the Bolsheviks.”

War Minister Winston Churchill


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The problem with modern history is the ignorance of key portions of it involving World War I, as related to the world of Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and President Vladimir Putin with the world of President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May.

This is as old as 1918 when the Kaiser's troops penetrated the Caucasus if Russia, and failed to defeat the army in Paris at it's flank. This would spell the defeat of the German Monarchy to be spoiled, and unleash the communists of Russia in horrific civil war.
In this period Winston Churchill was the War Minister in the Lloyd George Government of London, the most powerful Prime Minister of record, for he ruled from his council and not cabinet.

It was Randolph Churchill who had unleashed democracy in England, in the non voting classes being allowed to vote, and in this George had risen to power, but George in his democracy was moving headlong into the situation of mob rule, in London could not afford to pay her bills in peace, little alone war. George could not afford a two front war, and that is exactly what Winston Churchill was advocating, as George and Woodrow Wilson of America were shortsighted in the threat of communism and wished a non intervention peace in whoever would win. Churchill understood though that whoever won in Russia, would soon be extending her hand to Germany, herself ravage by war, and from this would become the greatest threat to English dominance in European interior linking Berlin and Moscow.

It was in this  that the British began Churchill's war in the Caucasus to break them away from Russia and to thwart the communists. This war would foment all kinds of problems as the Muslims would soon enough genocide the Armenian Christians when the opening allowed, and the Muslims in the Caucasus would not break free of Moscow, as Moscow rose from dead Lenin to the living Stalin.

This underbelly of Russia in the Caucasus is the battleground which has since 9 11, been the ground of world terrorism and conflict, as western forces used the Muslim leverage to antagonized Vladimir Putin.
It would be Sheik bin Laden's second in Dr. Zawahiri who would  be captured by Russia  in Chechnya, become a Russian convert, and unleash 9 11 with bin Laden as the front man. This Egyptian of the Muslim Brotherhood was at odds with Saudi Arabia and the United States. It would become the friction of Georgia in which George Soros booted out the Tel Aviv Jews, which led Russia to annex South Ossetia.
It would be Russia after a Chechen uprising, slaughter that Republic in order to subdue that terror center. It would be from these failures in the western elite, that they would move under Muslim Barack Hussein Obama into Ukraine and set up with John McCain a Nazi regime there to foment war against Moscow, in which Russia annexed the Crimea.

  As soon as the Caucasian countries declared independence, Soviet Russia made an attempt to occupy Abkhazia - the region of Georgia. In the summer of 1918 the dispatched units of “Red Cossacks” encouraged local separatists to declare the independence of the so-called “Soviet Republic of Abkhazia”. The Georgian government had to respond decisively and General Mazniashvili was sent to the battle-field. At that period of time, the Civil War raged throughout Russia and it was not able to dispatch enough troops to Abkhazia. Therefore, the Georgians seized an opportunity to liberate Abkhazia from them. Afterwards, the Bolshevik regime in the North Caucasus was changed by the regime of “White Generals”. Hence, their policy towards the Caucasus region remained unchangeable. In the first half of 1919 “the Whites” attempted to do the same in Abkhazia, but fortunately at that period of time British troops were deployed on Georgia’s territory and they mediated a peaceful conflict resolution [Документы….. 1919:91-107; Mazniashvili, 1990:60-114]. The similar “piece of history” was replicated several times on the territory of the so-called South Ossetia during 1918-1920. On the one hand, Georgian troops were adequately tough and on the other hand, Soviet Russia was fighting against Poland, “White Generals” and others. Therefore, it was not able to dispatch enough troops to Georgia.

In all of this, what was being engaged in, in 1918, was the Balkanization of the Ottoman and Soviet Empire. The failures were monumental in Russia, but successful in Turkey. The one success though in Russia, was not in Russia, but in Winston Churchill finding two anti communists in Europe who rose to power in Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany.
While they rose to power, Winston Churchill praised the Italian and German strong anti Stalin stance against communism.

While communism festered in America under Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, the policy of Winston Churchill prevailed in the much feared German and Russian hands joining had been alienated.

This all sounds bizarre in Adolf Hitler was carrying out the exact war and policies that Winston Churchill advocated in 1918, but those are the facts, and it would be Churchill who would spend the British Empire into oblivion to be replaced by the United States in the fulfillment of the German Genocide of 1918 AD in the year of the Lord.

What this all means for the 21st century is what is evolving before the world. We have witnessed the Theresa May Pissgate meddling in American elections, and that Brennan Obama communist orb advocating for a war in eastern Europe involving the United States and Russia, making fodder of Germany.
Brexit though has brought about a reality of Berlin and Paris, advocating a non  American European military which would back the American NATO. The translation is Americans  can die for European victories as the European Army acquires the spoils.

This is the world which America has been maneuvered into, by Donald Trump not realizing Sebastian Kurz is the 22nd century leader built on African trade, and being placed on the footing of defeat as warmonger against Russia, while the Austrian Russian alliance strengthens in power, which is the real threat to London.

As this unfolds, one can realize the map as Sebastian Kurz secures the Balkans, that the avenue of conflict is now in Poland where America has her tanks massed. Russia has no reason to attack a neutral energy buyer in the Austrian Empire and the effect would be if the Kingdom of the Danube was attacked, it would open a two front war in mountain kill zones where the  Russian military would die. Fighting only in Poland against America, Russia would win  this war, as the land carrier of England as in World War I and II, would not be a landing in France, but in Poland, and in those seas, transports would be a kill zone for the Americans.
It is logical to conclude that there is no longer an American merchant marine to supply England, and England lacks the same shipping. A Russian  submarine blockade would  strangle London and where Herman Goering could not in the Battle of Britain in air bombing failed due to lack of coordination, that waves of Russian bombers would obliterate the English from Russian bombs and raping hordes of Londonstan.

The Danube and  Volga union is closing to the reality which Winston Churchill feared in 1918. It is what is behind all of the turmoil in the United States, as the Anglo Jew powers of London need an American in the White House who will weaponize American one more time for a nuclear holocaust, as Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt dragged America to those horrific wars which Americans did not desire.

The fracture points in domino point to an Iranian conflict to cripple America, a humiliation in the Caucasus for America, and a drawing of the war by terrorism in the Balkans. America should be removing herself from conflict with Russia, and allying with Russia, and pealing off the central European nations from Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech, Balkans, led by Greek shipping and Italian finance to create a buffer for the Kurz Super State.

That though would entail American leadership, and all that America now is comprised of is Pentajew policies with the worst manipulations of London, and the treachery of the Obama communists of America.

This is the history of what faces the American future. America is not prepared for this outcome as she is out of position on every front. It is though another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

