Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Amazing Grace of Sebastian Kurz

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz stressing the importance of “smashing the business model of human traffickers”.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is the most disgusting and disheartening reality of the policy which has emerged of President Donald Trump in legalizing Obama slave invader illegals on the Bush family plan, to watch America negate the Emancipation Proclamation again, where she first imported German led Europeans as white slave pioneers to exploit, and in the 20th and 21st centuries embarked on wholesale slave trade in Mexicans domestically and Chinese internationally as the two godfathers of this were George H. W Bush on China and Birther Hussein Obama in China.
The wholesale trade of human lives has reached a global proportion in the treacherous National Socialized conglomerates fornicating with regime communists from Berlin to Washington DC with the intent to genocide of the native species of progressive Caucasians who by Christian work and ethic built the modern world in all of her invention.

There is though  a Kurz Model emerging for the 3rd world in Africa, which hearkens back  to the Cherry Model of the futuristic world where humans would be freed of "labor" by self replicating robots. Humans would then having their needs met, would be formed into pursuits of the creative.

Chancellor Kurz struck a similar tone, telling the channel’s Report programme: “It is not the poorest who flee, but the ones who can afford to pay [people-smugglers].”

Sebastian Kurz humanitarian model for Africa is one which seizes upon the reality that blacks toil not neither do they spin. Europe though is investing in technology in Africa, which means the African will not work, as the African will be having computers and robotics to serve the roll of beasts of burden.
In this model though, those who do not work, still shall eat, for the African regimes will provide a living wage from the robotics work and trade, to the African, who will then be free to purchase European things as cell phones and next generation computers.

This is the correct evolution of humanity by Sebastian Kurz as it is humane. What President Donald Trump signed off on in marketing humans to the chamber of commerce, having this mob glean from the taxpaying welfare state where that wealth will be fed back into the Nazi conglomerate purchasing centers, as the native peoples of Americans are worked to death and face genocide by lack of succour from their government, is a crime againt the humanity of America.

These two models in Kurz and the old Slave Trader model of Jewish financiers and flesh pedlars are the difference of night and day.
One would have thought with the guiding hand of William Wilberforce in parliamentary act and Abraham Lincoln at war, that trading in human flesh would have passed. Yet Europe from Stockholm, Brussels, Berlin, Pariss and London are rife with the slave trade. It is only the farsighted Sebastian Kurz implementing the Catholic direction of the Habsburg royal family that a true vision of humanity in the 22nd century has appeared.
Sebastian Kurz is implementing his working model which will uplift Africa and progress Europe, while what Donald Trump has signed off on will relegate America to the ghetto plague of the end of humanity.

Humanity is facing a future of walled  asylums or technological enhanced living wages for the 3rd world while the first world leads the peoples to the stars. One will bring a Jules Verne nightmare of human beasts and squalor and the other will build shining cities on the hills of Europe and Africa.
The world is at the threshold and Sebastian Kurz is her mortal savior at the moment of his 1000 year Reich, while Donald Trump has chosen the ages old business model of the sale and exploitation of the skinbots.

Nuff Said
