Monday, January 28, 2019

The Great Communist Tradition of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Hunting is a communist tradition.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog has risen to the defense of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez or Alley Carter as she is affectionately known here for her whiteness as a Spaniard against the onslaught of GOP males who have the Minnie Mouse fetish in being aroused by the Disney cartoon.

For me though, it was this photo of Congresswoman Ocasio Cortez which has captured my attention, as this is a real photo of the Congresswoman, and in the lower left corner one can witness a pile of furs!!!

Yes Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is not just a Marxist, but she is a killer of animals  and she has great delight in it. Nothing could  please this blog more after fur was banned by Melania  Trump in the White House, and here is Alexandria Ocasio Cortez smiling broadly at a pile of dead animal skins on her floor.

Yes I bagged him like David slew Goliath!!!

This is of note as this blog has covered that great Soviet Marxist hunter, Premier Leonid Brezhnev as a hunting fool. Leon used to blast stag, pig and even finger bang humans for fun.


 Two stags with one shot!!!

I can feed Crimea with the game I have shot today Hank!!!


I will make a rug out of you if do not watch it Ivan!!!


Here are the photos, and at the bottom you will see that America's beloved Jew Henry Kissinger often was there enjoying the slaughtering of game.

So there you have it, Alexandria is a commie and she loves killing things like Leon and Alexandria is a Jew and Hank Kissinger is a Jew smiling broadly at dead beasts too.


 I like nice racks Alexandria!!!

It is plain that Alexandria is her own woman and of great strength. She has told the animal rights left to go fuck themselves and she is going after the American trappers and hunters to take them from Donald Trump jr. who also kills piles of animals.

Granted Alexandria is more into animal killing than most are as she has Husky dogs paws up on her floor, but in this age of the traditions of Marxism, can anyone of us deny a Husky skin rug or a Dog skin coat if that is what delights Alley Carter?
After all American Indians like Elizabeth Warren have a long tradition of succulent dog meat feasts to celebrate special occasions  like capturing a white woman and mass raping her as the object of their affection.


I may not be a Communist, but my people hunted, trapped and 
ate dogs on the most special of events!!!! 

The Lame Cherry salutes the progressive woman that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is, as how many politicians do you know have the ovaries to teach their dog to play dead, because they do not have the time to go wolf hunting that day to impress Don jr. to call up and ask her to go hunting the next time he visits the New York Zoo.

I changed my name to Vladimir now can I come on your 
dog hunt as you are my kind of commie babe!!!

Nuff Said
