Sunday, January 27, 2019

The HAARP Hellstorm

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the fake Polar Vortex is the Lame Cherry scoop in it will be days before this story is covered, I am doing a  tracking update with this post which is about to hit civilization.

The purpose of this is to educate you on the Minot Blob which appeared out of nowhere and dumped snow all over Minnesota at 10 hours later, it was slamming into Chicago.

Storm fronts travel at 25 miles per hour.

The distance from Minot to Chicago is 470 miles. This storm should have just cleared Minneapolis and yet it doubled the speed in moving 50 miles per hour. That is quite remarkable as the winds were 30 plus miles an hour from the southeast, which the storm had to buck into.

Amazing things these HAARP Hellstorms.

As an anecdote to this storm, my neighbor who came over today in our area said, "What the hell is this!!! I was getting ready for church last night and they said it was going to be a nice day!!!"
Then he said how it was 'nice' where we were as we had a windbreak as the wind was burning his face in his yard.
For you to understand how HAARP has shattered the atmosphere and weather now, the prediction bots and the humans said today it was supposed to be 30 degrees here. It was 20 below zero. The atmosphere has been so torn now and raped,  that it is out of control and is beyond murderous.

The tail of this storm was trailing out of north Montana this morning. Tonight it is 500 miles south inflicting on Kansas.  It is all a torn ragged mess. All Euclidean symmetry has vanished. Think of it as a stone in pool has round ripples. The ripples are gone and all that is left is the jagged spray.

Notice the blob in did not move all day.

Now that this Hellstorm is moving into civilization (These things are created in the Dakotas as no one lives there) are about to go mass murder in the  future week.

The evidence is now in place that the Weather Mods have so shattered the atmosphere that in order to sell fuel to Americans to keep warm and survive, have so supercharged these weather eruptions that they can not be controlled. They are now deadly and those behind it do not care. The first burst of October almost destroyed the entire potato, sugar and soybean harvest in North Dakota. What is being unleashed now are literal 50 degree differences in temperature forecasts and bombing regions with deep freezes in this area of 30 below zero for days.

It is evidenced by the tale of two storms. Florida stayed in place. Minot was supercharged in double speed. The Weather Mods have kept Florida motionless to hold it for the coming Chicago cold for a super storm which has also been predicted for the east coast.

Nuff Said
