Monday, January 28, 2019

White People Not Like Him.....


 I proudly hate white people not like us.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder about these racists who keep these sully skins around and hate their own pink skin.  It is the case of that woman abuser Tom Brokaw of NBC and South Dakota, that being an old duffer, worked up and trying to be relevant, decided to go Obama Racial and attack all Republicans with the worst insult he can think of in saying Mitch McConnell don't want no brown skin grand tots around.

I didn't realize that Republicans were this race conscious.

Don't worry the Chinese will wash off my friends.

Odd world as Donald Trump drips with Asian Jews as grandbabes and Jeb Bush has tan skins galore, it makes one wonder how Tom Brokaw sees the world through his race colored glasses, when it is hard to think of any of these liberals who have actual offspring who are ethnics, and not adopted as pets.


I am not President Bush's grandchild. I just go by his name.

Brokaw says he feels terrible commentary offended Hispanics
NEW YORK (AP) - NBC's Tom Brokaw says he feels terrible that his comments on "Meet the Press" Sunday that Hispanics should work ha…


I am glad you aspire to wearing white dresses little Negroid child


How absolutely warped Tom Brokaw is though is that when he insults innocent Republicans, he in turn does not apologize to them, but apologizes to the "Hispanics" for using them as a racial weapon of the lowest insult his mind could conceive.
Sure Tom should be apologizing, but time and again these liberals insult people, and then fail to apologize to everyone they have insulted as it is beneath them to say they are sorry to white people like themselves.

Sure Tom Brokaw can pose with sully skins, but it seems they are not good enough to marry nor for his daughters to get dicked by. The Brokaw names is just above all of this as Tom judges the rest of  the world for his inner demons on display.
I realize this is old as the Tom and not worth wasting a post on, but time and again the hypocrisy of these liberals suffering from their inner selves.

I wonder where in Tom Brokaw's life that Hispanics became subhuman as Whites. He does not think Indians, Asians, Blacks or Jews as the DNA human scum, but he does loathe himself and he loathes Latinos, Whites like him for not wanting their children to be fucked by them and Latins not like him as being the worst thing he could have his daughters procreate with.

I fell sad for Tom Brokaw in his hate of himself, and his love of himself. He is the Star Trek episode of long ago. Let that be Your last Battlefield, is one that Tom Brokaw has been at war with himself all of his existence.

But you are a Jew, she is a Black, we are 
white and black and black and white,
can there be room for Tom Brokaw pale in our world?

But I blend in so well.
