Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Hellsong of HAARP

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ah yes, perhaps now something will be paid attention to in HAARP now that civilization of Chicago, Pittsburgh and New York will be feeling the death nail of weather terrorism, in order to extort heating costs from Americans.

As I have been detailing this as no one else will, the above map reveals where that great moisture cloud is appearing from in the Ocean of Canada......yes Canada is not an ocean, but by miracle HAARP has created a hurricane of moisture out of prairie grass.

Yes this is the Canadian Cyclone which is sure to profit by the billions those big oil corporations with Jewish Muslim financial banking this coming week, all by design and all blamed on a fictional Polar Vortex.
Calgary Alberta will be 40 degrees, but Fargo North Dakota will be 30 below.

And yes as one cyclone is not enough, HAARP is generating a double cyclone on America, as of course this happens all the time during hurricane season. Not!

So it will be a double shearing of the bleaters. This time though they will have to pay attention, because this time cities with real populations are going to be frozen in cold they are not used to and  rarely experience. Kansas City, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Indianapolis, Cleveland and New York, but New York gets a double blast as why wait to abort babies in the womb when HAARP can abort the females on the cold streets of New York.

Yes you people should have been donating, but now you have real problems generating in this as you knew so much more than the little orphan girl you made by stressing me out and knocking off the mother in the first waves of cold.

The Hellsong of HAARP is playing and you are the captive audience.


Light snow. Areas of blowing snow. New snow accumulation of 2 to 3 inches. Highs 15 to 20. Southeast winds 10 to 20 mph. Gusts up to 35 mph in the afternoon. Coldest wind chill readings 25 below to 35 below zero late in the morning.
   TONIGHTWindy, snow. Areas of blowing snow in the evening. Blowing snow after midnight. Visibility one quarter mile or less at Times after midnight. Snow accumulation around 3 inches. Total snow accumulation 5 to 7 inches. Lows around 5 below. East winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts to around 40 mph increasing to north 20 to 35 mph with gusts to around 50 mph after midnight. Coldest wind chill readings 21 below to 31 below zero after midnight.
   MONDAYWindy. Mostly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of light snow in the morning. Blowing snow in the morning. Visibility one quarter mile or less at Times in the morning. Highs zero to 5 above. Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to around 45 mph Decreasing to 15 to 20 mph in the afternoon. Wind chill readings 23 below to 33 below zero.
   MONDAY NIGHTPartly cloudy. Lows around 15 below. Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph. Coldest wind chill readings 26 below to 36 below zero after midnight.

Posting an update here as I pulled the NOAH radar out of Williston North Dakota, which is fascinating in the Minot blog is there, where the nuclear bases are, but if you notice the huge open air space which should not be. The interesting part in this sequence is it appears that HAARP is like a fire hose sucking moisture out of the Pacific and jetting it into this system.
Again something which can not be.

Once again only Lame Cherry is covering this and unless people start paying attention to this, those behind this weather terrorism are not going to stop as the meteorlogical propaganda will continue to brainwash the population that this is normal.
