Saturday, January 26, 2019

Will Roger Stone's Arrest Reveal Trump's MIssing Link?

Hey babes let's quad my droon in your Bertha But

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in  matter anti matter.

Interesting in this post is being written at 12:26 PM for publication on 1/26, but there is more to this than the numerology of it, as the pre dawn arrest of Donald Trump's confidant, Roger Stone, had absolutely nothing to do with Roger Stone.
That may sound impossible, but all of these brutal thug state operations featuring the FBI as Mr. Mueller's Maul Booted Thugs, are talking to someone, and it is the same message they sent in Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Jerome Corsi and now Roger Stone.
........and the person is not Donald Trump as this investigation does not give a legal damn about Donald Trump being a person of interest.

What this is all about is, the Missing Link as was exclusively revealed here on the orphan girl's blog. The reason Roger Stone was hauled out of bed in the buff, by 29, muscled, virile, sexy, armed, dressed in bodacious black, was not to have Roger Stone enjoy their beefiness, but this was another deliberate message from Robert Mueller to the Missing Link.
This blog first exposed this in the  arrest of Jerome Corsi, where the FBI according to counsel was searching for someone, anyone that Mr. Corsi could name in who fed him the information concerning his reporting in this.
Corsi states that he figured this Wikileaks targeting of John Podesta on his own while traveling with his wife, as he revealed to George Noury on Coast to Coast AM, but the Mueller team did not believe Corsi and has been quite strong arm in looking for who it was that was directing this Wikileaks dump which was revealing too much of the Hillary Clinton criminal campaign.

This is all muddled as in the background of "Russiagate" are the facts that Marco Rubio is the one who began this investigation as his Latino on the ticket for a Jeb 2018 presidential run. After Jeb bit the ballot, Rubio's work was transferred to the Clinton campaign's legal arm, where an assembled cast from Theresa May's MI6 took an American manufactured intelligence via Christopher Steele, and produced the Pissgate dossier which fed directly to John Brennan of CIA who was running an illegal CIA operation in the United States, using the FBI as investigative cover under Peter Strzok.

As Brennan's cast were not accomplishing the securing of the presidency for Hillary Clinton fast enough, John McCain and John Podesta were both leaked the Pissgate dossier, and it appeared at FBI headquarters with Director James Comey. McCain was actually late as Comey already had the dossier which McCain had obtained in London.

As this blog has exclusively reported, all of this Pissgate nonsense was known and discounted. It was though cover for another deep state operation which was looking for something or more to the point someone, who this blog names the Missing Link.

The focus of Robert Mueller as the new Director of the FBI attests is an honest and good man, has been a scorched earth search mission, greater and more caustic than Joe McCarthy after the Reds in America. Robert Mueller is looking for the people who countered the election fraud and installation of Hillary Clinton as President. The very mechanisms of the Intelligence Community's bots, election software, steering propaganda and election fraud was gained control of, so that the real vote and real voter leanings were not overcome as when Obama had the election stolen for him twice to usurp the presidency.

In all of this, do not forget in all of these diversions and cover, what the evidence or Robert Mueller's actions reveal. Robert Mueller and his team are hunting someone or some group inside the United States which thwarted all of the deep state control of American elections and internet. This first appeared in genesis when all of these leftists as the now vanished Edward Snowden leaking to leftist Julian Assange began what would become Wikileaks. Seth Rich as everyone knows leaked the DNC material to Wikileaks, but this is all under the cover of "Russians",  as the deep state control of America which for a global hegemony has been moving to enact Hitler's greater Europe vision, in  a conflict with Russia to keep Europe on a leash and China vanquished, is blaming the ham fisted Russians for an operation which could have only come from the inside, and began when Obama and MI6 overthrew the 2008 Presidential elections in the United States.
Since that time the Habsburgs have risen the most capable Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, another leftist to take control over the European right, and begin the process of removing American hegemony over Eurasia. The  Europeans have concluded they can do things better than DC.

For America, this operation had the American establishment like John Brennan performing on cue. Dumps of information kept piling up and prejudice with bias, built to this political storm, which was to destabilize not Donald Trump,  but the  people beyond the Defense Intelligence who have now been supplanted by Mike Pence's coup, but to so weaken Donald  Trump, that the Missing Link will reveal itself.

All of this though returns to the main focus of Robert Mueller, in the greatest espionage hunt in American history. Mueller in those he represents in government want this Missing Link bad. The 2018 election theft prove this Missing Link was driven to ground again, which was the intention of seizing back control of the American political agenda in splitting the nation between socialists and communists, but this is what and who these early morning raids are  about in Roger Stone appearing in a lovely silk robe with nothing on underneath, and hoping the boys all frisk him.

That is what the entire actions of Robert Mueller and his team reveals. It looks absolutely foolish in ruining fat old men, but they are hunting everything, and now are going to go after Donald Trump in New York on his finances, as it appears that the Mueller team has concluded that there may be only one person who knows who the missing link is,and that may be Donald Trump.

I have no idea of Mr. Stone was wearing a silk robe and naked underneath, but the  point is, as in the above quote from the Lame Cherry, I do not even think that Donald Trump knows who his benefactor was.

There is evidence in this from Uncle Gordy on the Rense Program of his being approached by "Trump People" as was Alex Jones as were many on the fringe. The Alt Right was a fiction created by this satellite operation. Again as this has been shut down, and Robert Mueller is not arresting those individuals or questioning those links, that is a known factor and the focus is still attempting to discover who it was which orchestrated the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord elections.

One can observe the deep state gaining control over this situation again, in Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham becoming the appointed frontal faces of this as whatever in Congress is the established firewall. Robert Mueller appears comfortable with these operatives and is not investigating them, so they are known intelligence assets by this revelation. What is still being searched for ruthlessly is who  the Missing Link is as it appears this is deemed not just a breach of the controlled system but a betrayal from within.

So when Roger Stone has sexy men in black on his doorstep, and CNN is leaked to, in order to produce full effect, we can glean from that something which Robert Mueller's team concludes in the Missing Link extensions watch CNN. Robert Mueller is attempting to unnerve whoever these extensions are in order to have them provide the clue which has not been discovered as to ending the seven degrees of separation, to it being a few degrees of separation in who pillow talked or who lamented in front of their parrot about setting things aright in America.

It appears to observing this from the outside that the deep state operations were used against themselves for the purpose of putting Donald Trump into office, as were the deep state operators chains pulled in their bias to achieve what was to happen anyway in the course of events. Exactly, nothing has changed in this agenda with Donald Trump in office. The same projections are being implemented nationally and globally. Those in power are still in power and in that finite group, it appears what Robert Mueller's mission is, is to discover who it was in the inner circle who engaged the system against itself.

In these times if the Queen is willing to sully up the royals by having Diana's polo boy marry a quadroon to get Africa for London finance and please Muslim deposits, you have to understand the lengths that the government being protected by Robert Mueller will go to, to find the Missing Link.

What gives one pause is this operation has been going on for years. Robert Mueller has been engaged for almost 2 years. There is a finite number of the cartel who have this kind of access, and no one has made a move on any of them from the inside. The proof is still not forthcoming to Robert Mueller's team, and that is why Roger Stone is getting panty raided in the dark, as Robert Mueller and the FBI are sending a message to someone in order to unnerve them. That someone is not in the Trump sphere or they would already be named in the investigation. That is the connection to the Missing Link which all of this effort is about. That appears  to reveal that the extension or extensions are individuals who would know the names which would end the degree of separation.

That though is beyond my observations on public information which this is gleaned from and is not something I am about to ever get involved in as that kind of knowledge of the lords and priests gets people the Seth Rich treatment.
As the Lame Cherry knows all, I prefer in this reality to be quite ignorant of what is taking place, but by simple Vulcan deduction as Captain Kirk ordered Mr. Spock, one can tell what something is, but telling what it is not.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. One would think that this would be Pulitzer and Nobel Prize stuff in noting the heroism of Robert Mueller in hunting the Missing Link, but the Mockingbird has not even allowed established journalists to steal this exclusive for their merit and honors.
That too concludes things but I am a suffering poor orphan girl waiting for the rich to be generous after they keep peeking up my skirt for information thrills.

Nuff Said

