Monday, February 4, 2019

Clin on my Brandon Baller

Dan tovarich, click on my Brandon Baller

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This was interesting in a phishing email which appeared in my account today, which stated my credit card had been charged over 700 dollars to my Brandon Baller account. As I have no such account, and my credit cards are set up to alert to unwanted charges, I was impressed as the INVOICE link is to a Russian RU address.

I never click on things, but what is of interest in this is the Russians got this address from someone who has contacted this blog via email and again, I know again the source in this as it was the same person as of last time that this happened.

Once again in this, for credit cards set up charge trip wires on them so the company alerts you. Otherwise run through Paypal or other reputable online payment intermediaries who send you invoices, as that take all the Brandon Baller questions out of this.

This will go into the phishing report file which I log, but it is fascinating in the shadows which some people have lurking about them. And if the Russians are lurking about them, then that probably points to those that are monitoring them in the deep state are quite aware and have a hand in the lurking.

I have a NOT HOME sign up in no longer getting involved in American politics and those that associate with it. Is lesson for those who come out from under the protection of the Lame Cherry in the Vulcan mists all sorts of things happen.

Just a warning, do not click on things in your emails.

Nuff Said

