Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Cause and Effect of a Ford Economy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This will not take long in alerting you to a coming trend.

I was watching the Nightly Business Report on PBS and they did a short segment on Chevrolet releasing for 2019 a competing heavy duty pick up to go against Ford and Dodge.

If you have noticed as of late, pick ups have gotten bigger in more F  350 Fords are on the road. Bigger pick ups mean bigger engines, heavier bodies, and that means more consumption of diesel and gas fuels.

Recall now that Donald Trump cut numerous deals with Wall Street, Oil Street and Car Street for his agenda to benefit them all and to "prosper" the feudal few of Goldman Sachs. When Chevy is investing a fortune to turn out a big pick up and so are the other major carriers, that means that fuel will continue to be available at market rates which are agreed to not rise over 2.50 a gallon for gas.

That is what Nazi or National Socialist economy looks like and it is a clue to what is taking place behind the scenes in America, as all of that oil and gas is going to have to burned, to pay for the Saudi oil loans which drilled all that oil and gas.

You literally have an insight now for what stability will appear like in Trumpflation in 40,000 dollar vehicles passing costs onto consumers. A sign of this was Ford returning to the Boss Mustang, a high end gas burner of 100,000 dollars.

In addition, NBR had on Curry Niggers from Indian, who are your computer techtards, replacing White Americans with cut and past screw ups, are in the Florida high end market of houses in the 950,000 dollar price range.

This is the Trump Economy in action. It will not benefit Americans, but as you can comprehend it is designed to sell Big Oil to big consuming vehicles, as Curry Nigger foreigners are socialized into propping up the falling housing market, for only the high end sellers.
Everything about this economy is geared to 7 and  10 figure salaried 1% elite and their proxies.

The grubber Mexicans will provide the fodder source for the tech phone, used vehicles and clothing, in competing with Cracker America. This is not an economic recovery when the rebates for vehicles are more than what I could afford to pay for a vehicle.

As I stated, this will not take long. I have not had time in frigid cold to check the markets as they reset again in the plunge. I had the plunge right, but Trump plugged it with Hedgefunds in dumping in retirement savings from geezers.

It appears that America and Europe are fixing Obama Venezuela in a new oil and narco deal to profit Wall Street, Berlin, London and Paris.

Not taking long does it to point out the cause and effect.

Nuff Said
