Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Liberty Daily Blank Screen

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The above is what I see when I surf to the Liberty Daily website and it is troubling as I have ad blockers up.  I get the same thing from sites like PJ Media and Daily Caller. It is particularly bothersome on Liberty Daily now for three reasons.

The first is I have been generous in mentioning them and directing people to use that link page instead of Christian hating Matt Drudge.

The second is they once had a link to this blog on their site, and have ceased that reciprocal association.

The third, I attempt to survive by donations from rich people who have proven not to be Christian in the least. So I do not have myriads of Google ads here. There are no ads here at all.
Ads burn up bandwidth and all I have is 6 gigs a month of high speed internet and if I allowed all the hidden adware to load on each page, I would be done with the net in 7 days and this screen would go blank.

The last part is something that really sticks in my craw, as none of these people exist on the meager things we do, the trials we do and the having to make do with nothing. There are numbers of people like myself and I will simply move on if sites are too cumbersome. That is one reason that World Net Daily became a shit hole in they had so many ads loading that people with slow internet would not invest the five minutes to load WND.

I was in the library a month ago and Liberty Daily in all their ads literally froze the computer there. That is something I have never experienced before on a site.

Everyone has to pay the bills, but these "Right wing sites" who have been busy duping Yes No blockers, have reached the point that I am not going to support them when they don't give a damn what it costs me to load their site. I will simply move on as I did with faggot Matt Drudge, as I am not here to look at blank screens  no more than Liberty Daily is there to look at no viewers triggering their ad revenue.

Nuff Said
