Sunday, May 12, 2019

To love, honor and cherish Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Ivanka even wishes she was Me, Me, Me!!!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I simply gush over Alexandria Ocasio Cortez or AOC as some call her or ACC as I like to call her, for the simple reason, she is the best remedy for communism on display from the CIA. Yes ACC is a CIA  asset and she is amazing with her little Mini Mouse voice and the things she comes up with.

Just the other day, she was gushing about Donald Trump supporters loving her. Yes the woman who has a thing to be Mrs. Don Trump jr, against all my warnings, just is Trump Crushing now on  his supporters as she has discovered how much they adore her.

No Ivanka, I'm having Schrute time with AOC later.


Then there is her latest gems in calling not only Republicans who do not understand her jokes about the world ending in 12 years as Dwight Schrute sponge brains, but as it is her supporters on the left who suck this kook ade down in gulps, AOC is telling liberals they all have shit for brains.

On this she followed up with noting that she is ignorant in not knowing what a garbage disposal is. They were as foreign to her as Tang before the moon walk.

 Yes we do Hefty Puerto Rican Take Out

“I am told this is a garbage disposal,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I’ve never seen a garbage disposal. I never had one in any place I’ve ever lived. It is terrifying. I don’t know what to use it for, or what its purpose is.”
Ocasio-Cortez asked, “Is this environmentally sound?”

That can be understood as Puerto Rico Jews are so poor they just eat garbage out of dumpsters. It would never occur to them that the Tin Shoot Restaurant is from a world where rich White people actually throw things away, instead of calling it a main course.

So  I love, adore, honor and cherish AOC, as she is such a wonderful Comedic Intelligence Asset. It must be a trial for her to be around those loons on the left, as she has her Don jr. montage up in her room, as she puts on her Lost in Space jammies, twirls her feet on her bed and thinks she has quite a career.

Can't Touch This.....

Yeah she is going to regret this one for a very long time though, but even AOC has a bad day in giving commies a bad name.

